Ashraf Gohar Goreja

Thunder Of Pain

The mysteries of yesterday
Sweet promises of tomorrow
Smiles on the faces
Yet hearts full of sorrow.

The image on the moon
Thousand dreams of success
No passion, a sigh or praise
For secret lovers like us.

Gray sand stay away
From the roaring waters
But why shadows near me
Of forgotten hours.

I remember my dreams
In the walk of life
With a dying hope
In my delirious eyes.

Standing in the midst
Of burning silence
I hear two hearts
Beating in balance.

Could it be a day
A month or a year?
Perhaps it may be
A life long fear.

Of what we thought
When we were young
Together and happy
Being two in one.

Our love was pure
Majestic with full of pride
And never could we
Nor feelings dare hide.

But now I feel
In haste and anger
Did our stars resigned
From being good and tender?

Is't shadow of thought
Or a symbol of light
Hell! As they say
Or cool breeze of Paradise!

Why it happens
Again and again
My conscious slumbers
Thunder over me of deep pain.

Ashraf Gohar Goreja
Copyright July 26,1983
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