Lewis Mortensen

Lancaster, PA, USA

If We Were Wise

If we were wise and thus could surely help
What would we therefore wisely do
With creative art, intend and act
To make the ugly old, so lovely new Down below on earth we'd leave men hope
Where there is now just deep despair
We'd leave poor grief to be consoled
By patience's meek and very tender care We'd give some very warm acceptance
Where bitter hatred now abounds
We'd leave some courage very bold
Where fear's been ringed all around We'd leave deep worship's lovely grace
Where just now blame shows its face
We'd leave decision sharp and clear
Where great anger always gathers near We'd leave the "I" upon his seat
And that's perhaps the greatest feat
And knowing we would spread around
Where freedom would be newly found We'd leave detachment, calm and serene
Where through time there's suffering been
We'd leave some faith where there is doubt
And leave direction where there's rout We'd leave some justice where sin is
We'd leave some love where lust now lives
We'd leave some harmony where chaos is
And thus leave happiness where gloom lives We'd leave some wisdom where false pride sows
We'd show that Christ not Satan knows
We'd show that God is really all there is
And show that all that's made is really His
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