Time Poems

Popular Time Poems
The Mississippi River Empties Into The Gulf
by Lucille Clifton

and the gulf enters the sea and so forth,
none of them emptying anything,
all of them carrying yesterday
forever on their white tipped backs,
all of them dragging forward tomorrow.
it is the great circulation
of the earth's body, like the blood
of the gods, this river in which the past
is always flowing. every water
is the same water coming round.


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by Dylan Thomas

When I was a windy boy and a bit
And the black spit of the chapel fold,
(Sighed the old ram rod, dying of women),
I tiptoed shy in the gooseberry wood,
The rude owl cried like a tell-tale tit,
I skipped in a blush as the big girls rolled
Nine-pin down on donkey's common,
And on seesaw sunday nights I wooed
Whoever I would with my wicked eyes,
The whole of the moon I could love and leave


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Everybody Is Doing It
by Benjamin Zephaniah

In Hawaii they Hula
They Tango in Argentina
They Reggae in Jamaica
And they Rumba down in Cuba,
In Trinidad and Tobago
They do the Calypso
And in Spain the Spanish
They really do Flamenco.

In the Punjab they Bhangra


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De Profundis Clamavi
by Charles Baudelaire

Have pity, You alone whom I adore
From down this black pit where my heart is sped,
A sombre universe ringed round with lead
Where fear and curses the long night explore.

Six months a cold sun hovers overhead;
The other six is night upon this land.
No beast; no stream; no wood; no leaves expand.
The desert Pole is not a waste so dead.


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A Sonnet of The Eternal Beloved
by Ayatullah Nurjati

O Eternal, beyond the grasp of flesh and time
In silent nights, where stars softly weep
My soul wanders, yearning to taste the divine in time
I search for You in depths still and deep

What am I but dust, mere clay and bone
O Beloved, pure as the morning’s breath
While You are the Unseen, seated on Your throne
Draw me near, release me from death


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Recent Time Poems
"The clock runs without hands."
by Dylan Wu Rong

And the question arises-
are the days I lives the body,
yesterday, and today, and the days I never see...
am I the hands that exist, yet not-
as I run around in circles,
returning to the beginning,
again and again and again.
Never is it that I always despise this predicament,
for the moment when thoes eyes met mine,
this frugal being of me was brimming in joy,


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I capture the first chirp
by Christuraj Alex

I capture the first chirp of the bird in admiration.
My heart merges with it. My hands fold in adoration.
The color-changing beams of the morning sun, like prisms, spread
Varnished Verses from my heart, like waterfalls, flow ahead.

The mist dip mesmerizes. The clement breeze caresses.
The untimely rain cools. Thunder, as though throat-blocked, hisses.
Amidst decomposing mango-neem-jack leaves, banyans sprout.
Amidst the sun’s hide-and-seek, shades shred their tinges throughout.


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How Time Has Gone
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

My, how wamburdsly vett skitterelees
yammer in modduskwom, sutty slivers,
every pop muddleskiddly of red-orange,
in zakrum, zezzledop, vixaddamoth blur!

To see maxfluppinnes' purpled zizum,
at tillaradoom jazzowdline's tyll sass;
in pithy, murldizzily, gibborton ullius,
of dizzledop, rose, klixmuth contrast!


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How vast is the distance -
by Amy Michelle Mosier

How vast is the distance -
So I thought - between cradle
And what was the final ascent
To a plateau good and whole.

What fine opportunities
My wrinkles record as loss -
Hmm ... if only said itinerary
Were sooner traversed.

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So Passe
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Witness if you will, the occupants of Deep Space Flight 6952,
on a mission to the farthest reaches of the galaxy.
A short time ago, the spaceship experienced turbulence,
and soon they'll experience fear, and even doubt reality.
They've just entered The Twilight Zone.

'What a rough patch of turbulence!' said Thomas. Nicole
responded, 'I believe it's the worst we've encountered yet.'
Then Nicole suddenly tasted coffee, that had not even
begun to be brewed, to her regret!


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  • Thomas Hardy
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  • Saadi Shirazi
    Saadi Shirazi (31 poems about Time)
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  • Robert Herrick
    Robert Herrick (27 poems about Time)
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  • Rainer Maria Rilke
    Rainer Maria Rilke (16 poems about Time)
    4 December 1875 – 29 December 1926 / Prague / Czech Republic
  •  Samuel Daniel
    Samuel Daniel (15 poems about Time)
    1562 - 1620 / England
  • Thomas Bailey Aldrich
    Thomas Bailey Aldrich (14 poems about Time)
    November 11, 1836 – March 19, 1907 / Portsmouth, New Hampshire
  • Michael Drayton
    Michael Drayton (13 poems about Time)
    1563 - 1631 / Warwickshire / England
  • Delmore Schwartz
    Delmore Schwartz (13 poems about Time)
    8 December 1913 - 11 July 1966 / Brooklyn / New York / United States
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