Wilma Dene Pinkard Skaggs

Smyrna, Tennessee, USA

The Snakes I Have Angered

Life is full of problems that we all must face
As we wander through life trying to find our place.
With time and practice we learn the ways that work
And how to find solutions that don't make us look like a jerk.
Problems are like snakes who sometimes want to share our home.
They sneak in without warning and won't leave us alone.
They can hide so quickly and move around so fast
The present often gets tangled up with the memories of the past.
A face to face meeting can be full of fright and pain
But I must take some action or find someone to blame.
To cut off a snake's tail only makes him see red.
To solve the problems I must cut off the head.
Family and friends make easy targets to hit on
When I can't face my problems or want to call it quits
But now it has become plain for me to see
The meanest snake I have angered sometimes lives in me.
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