Red Poems

Popular Red Poems
A Red Palm
by Gary Soto

You're in this dream of cotton plants.
You raise a hoe, swing, and the first weeds
Fall with a sigh. You take another step,
Chop, and the sigh comes again,
Until you yourself are breathing that way
With each step, a sigh that will follow you into town.

That's hours later. The sun is a red blister
Coming up in your palm. Your back is strong,
Young, not yet the broken chair


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by Wilfred Owen


1 Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knife us ...
2 Wearied we keep awake because the night is silent ...
3 Low drooping flares confuse our memory of the salient ...
4 Worried by silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous,
5 But nothing happens.

6 Watching, we hear the mad gusts tugging on the wire.
7 Like twitching agonies of men among its brambles.


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Green Chile
by Jimmy Santiago Baca

I prefer red chile over my eggs
and potatoes for breakfast.
Red chile ristras decorate my door,
dry on my roof, and hang from eaves.
They lend open-air vegetable stands
historical grandeur, and gently swing
with an air of festive welcome.
I can hear them talking in the wind,
haggard, yellowing, crisp, rasping
tongues of old men, licking the breeze.


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A Prodigal
by Elizabeth Bishop

The brown enormous odor he lived by
was too close, with its breathing and thick hair,
for him to judge. The floor was rotten; the sty
was plastered halfway up with glass-smooth dung.
Light-lashed, self-righteous, above moving snouts,
the pigs' eyes followed him, a cheerful stare--
even to the sow that always ate her young--
till, sickening, he leaned to scratch her head.
But sometimes mornings after drinking bouts
(he hid the pints behind the two-by-fours),


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by Laxmi Prasad Devkota

Oh yes, friend! I'm crazy-
that's just the way I am.

I see sounds,
I hear sights,
I taste smells,
I touch not heaven but things from the underworld,
things people do not believe exist,


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Recent Red Poems
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Gadabout butterflies
glitter like red sunset.
Gem sparkles in the west.
Gracious nature provides
glamour hues in winter.
Glad robin sings, lustrous.
Goodbye, last robustness.

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Flower of Christmas
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

mint green Christmas and
star shaped poinsettias point
at the golden hour

red plant revelry
and hoot owl's quiet in snow
mauve sun is setting

pretty centerpiece
where loved ones gather laughing


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People's Voice at the End of Twilight
by Ayatullah Nurjati

at the edge of the red twilight, the voice of the people echoed weakly.
In unheard whispers, there is hope that is increasingly fading.
The streets are full of grey dust, leaving footprints without a new destination.

Behind the glitter of the bustling city, they are overlooked in a gloomy shadow of silence and peace. The voices of the people who are tired of screaming, reaching for justice which is increasingly difficult.

Burned by empty promises, but still hopeful in wounded hope.
Dusk turns into dark night, But the voice never went away. In the hearts of those who continue to groan, there is a prayer that strengthens the weary soul.

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Strawberry Autumn
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

plump red strawberries
the kind we knew last red dusk
when time inched by brusque

garnet stars flash on
scarlet leaves and cardinals
mars phenomenal

crimson dragonflies
when fruitful days are going


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A Silent Ballet
by Everleigh Blackburn

In the hush of autumn's breath,
leaves pirouette,
a silent ballet,
each one, a fleeting whisper,
unique in its descent.

Golden, crimson,
their colors bleed into the air,
twirling, spiraling,
a soft surrender to the earth,


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  • Vachel Lindsay
    Vachel Lindsay (38 poems about Red)
    November 10, 1879 – December 5, 1931 / Springfield, Illinois
  • Oscar Wilde
    Oscar Wilde (35 poems about Red)
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  • Victor James Daley
    Victor James Daley (19 poems about Red)
    Creeve Roe] (5 September 1858 – 29 December 1905 / Navan, County Armagh, Ireland
  • Emily Pauline Johnson
    Emily Pauline Johnson (17 poems about Red)
    Tekahionwake] (10 March 1861 – 7 March 1913 / Chiefswood, Ontario
  • Robert Graves
    Robert Graves (16 poems about Red)
    1895 - 1985 / London / England
  • Stephen Vincent Benet
    Stephen Vincent Benet (13 poems about Red)
    1898 - 1943 / Pennsylvania / United States
  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton
    Gilbert Keith Chesterton (11 poems about Red)
    29 May 1874 – 14 June 1936 / London, England
  • Allen Ginsberg
    Allen Ginsberg (11 poems about Red)
    June 3, 1926 - April 5, 1997 / Newark, New Jersey
  • William Carlos Williams
    William Carlos Williams (11 poems about Red)
    17 September 1883 – 4 March 1963 / New Jersey