Margot Lindsey

Los Angeles, California


Freedom, oh precious freedom, we ask not why we hold it so dear
we just take it,
for freedom is like a sweet laughter within your soul.
It's like a soft gentle breeze on an autumn afternoon,
when all is right with the world.
Freedom is the flame that burns down within our souls,
Can the flames burn within the souls of all,
or must the flames be drowned with tears of sorrow and pain?
For I shall not pass through this life in vain.
Let freedom warm the souls of all mankind,
for as I walk in the autumn of my life, I shall reflect
on my yesterdays and hope for our tomorrows.
For the reflections of our lives are like looking through
an hourglass of everlasting time, all moments are cherished.
Oh let us listen and embrace the souls on fire,
all souls are cherished.
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