Jeffrey Pipes Guice

New Orleans
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Ain’t Life Granne!

She’s frequently there with an opinion…
Often willing to share free advice…
She wants us all to find a way to be happy…
And to one another she wants us to be nice…

She has forever been an wonderful mother…
And she continues to be one to this day…
But if we do something to get on her bad side…
We should do our best to stay out of her way…

She refuses to put up with laziness…
She expects us to do things when we are told…
Like make our beds when we get up in the morning…
And to respect things even when they get old…

Don’t ever contradict her…
And never ever bring her strife…
It’s best to stay on her good side…
Or she’ll simply block you from her life…

As a parent, she is usually supportive…
As a grandmother, she constantly shares her love…
We couldn’t ask for a more perfect Granne…
She’s unfailingly there to give a warm hug…

So I hope I can speak for the others…
When I say thank you for being our Granne…
And for giving us such a strong foundation…
On which to build our future plan…

© 2021 Jeffrey Pipes Guice
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