Love Poems

Popular Love Poems
by Dorothy Parker

If I had a shiny gun,
I could have a world of fun
Speeding bullets through the brains
Of the folk who give me pains;

Or had I some poison gas,
I could make the moments pass
Bumping off a number of
People whom I do not love.


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On The Death Of The Beloved
by John O'Donohue

Though we need to weep your loss,
You dwell in that safe place in our hearts,
Where no storm or night or pain can reach you.

Your love was like the dawn
Brightening over our lives
Awakening beneath the dark
A further adventure of colour.

The sound of your voice


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Away, Melancholy
by Stevie Smith

Away, melancholy,
Away with it, let it go.

Are not the trees green,
The earth as green?
Does not the wind blow,
Fire leap and the rivers flow?
Away melancholy.

The ant is busy


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by Daniel Hoffman

I am yours as the summer air at evening is
Possessed by the scent of linden blossoms,

As the snowcap gleams with light
Lent it by the brimming moon.

Without you I'd be an unleafed tree
Blasted in a bleakness with no Spring.

Your love is the weather of my being.


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American Primitive
by William Jay Smith

Look at him there in his stovepipe hat,
His high-top shoes, and his handsome collar;
Only my Daddy could look like that,
And I love my Daddy like he loves his Dollar.

The screen door bangs, and it sounds so funny--
There he is in a shower of gold;
His pockets are stuffed with folding money,
His lips are blue, and his hands feel cold.


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Recent Love Poems
Letting Go
by Kevin Schroeder

In the quiet corners of my mind,
Your laughter lingers, a ghost entwined.
Once a fire, now just a spark,
Your absence haunts in the dark.

With every laugh and every tear,
Memories linger, sweet but clear.
I reach for you, but find the air,
A hollow space, an empty chair.


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by Vladimir Vinsky

I tremble. I’m perspiring.
You’ve been, you did, you were. Just now.
Negatory, sir. You had been. Just then.
You aren’t. No more. I can’t.
Why so sudden. Where goodbyes.
I crumble. A wolf fell behind.
I cry. I’m angry. Negation.
I hate it. I sit. I stand.
I fall. I plunge. I run. I shy.
I break the chair. Halt. You there?


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The Sailor's Wife
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

She’s one lonely soul with occasional
Nosebleed, all from the sea-salt of distant
Waves, charmed to weariness by breezes powerful enough
To unfurl umbrellas rolled behind Grandfather’s clock.
She combs her lofty hair seawards, with particles, flimsy and
Delicately grey, tiny and microscopic, storming the sea in their looseness.
She hopes to borrow the strength of the waves
And attract her wayward husband’s lost attention imprisoned
By the west and south seas.
Her letters, before they reach him on the fragrant sails


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Sweet Song
by Reynaldo Casison

I gifted her a sweet Song
To robe her with my Love
My sweet Sultry dove
From heels to Romantic brow
And the Rose golden moon felt it
Like Serenade
Luminous withIn
And all the pretty flowers
Sunflowers and heavenly irises forever
Blushes with our Love


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What am I to You?
by Nyx Grace

maybe I will be the moon
to your ocean
silenty looking after you,
casting my gentle spell.
in the end, love you enough,
to let you go,
as you run towards the sand
to be together forevermore,
but first came to me
to be the tide for you.


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  • Edna St. Vincent Millay
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  • James Joyce
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