Ismail Abi

November 25, 1998 - Burao, Togdheer, Somalia
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Here but not here
Far yet so near
Beloved my Beloved
Sing with me O Beloved

In the children playing in the rain
In the man worried in the train
In the baby coming out of the womb
In the elderly going into that tomb
In the couple sharing a kiss so sweet
In the soldier killing an enemy so weak
In the night breaking into that light
Called sunrise so glorious and bright
You are close you are dear, You have always been here..
It is I who is lost and is not sincere, it is I who is nowhere near.

Here but not here
Far yet so near
Beloved O Beloved
Sing with me my Beloved

Distant song of bird, melody of stream of water, the flow of the river
Familiar smell of home, soothing voice of mother, the children's laughter
Dwelling in both magic and mundane, inherent in both hectic and serene
Abiding in your graceful domain, aloof yet compassionate, you are the unseen
I am yours and you are mine, in an embracing hug, why are we then not holding so tight?
I was told that we will meet, on a blessed day or a fateful night, at last will come the final rite
If I am to fail I am to blame, and if I succeed I am to be lost, so says the journal, the Law Eternal..
Homecoming inevitable, wait you shall and must, Our reunion universal, says the voice internal.

Here but not here
Far yet so near
Beloved my Beloved
Sing with me O Beloved

To be sane in a mad world
To be calm in a raging storm
To be in Love in a war zone
To smile in hell
To cry in heaven
To have faith while in doubt
To be still while on fire
To be a peasant on a throne
To be Balanced, in Love and to be Devoted..
Peace be upon All, and let nothing be excluded.

Here but not here
Far yet so near
Beloved O Beloved
Sing with me my Beloved

By, Ismail Abi
Note: This is my first ever attempt at poetry. so no harsh words please hhhh.
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