Poetry of the Lost <3

December 13, 2007 - Maryland
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Forever & Over


Forever, Forever, Forever.

I've heard it so many times.

I've fallen for it so many times.

Each time I decide I won't fall for it again,
but I do it over and over and over.

Even when our forever is done
I still fall for it.

Even when I know deep down it's not forever I fall for it.

I fall for every word they say like how a rain drop falls from the sky,
so easily,
almost effortlessly.

The thing is it's a lot harder to pick yourself
back up after that fall.

When you're broken into so many pieces that you can physically feel the pain in your chest.

But most people don't think of that when they're falling.

They just think of what forever might feel like.

I don't want it to be over,
All I want is forever and ever.
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