Relationships Poems

Popular Relationships Poems
40. I only needed it to rain
by Kea Campbell

I only needed it to rain and my only incentive was the storm,
Because it was founding my Red Sea and caused me to sink to the floor.
It doesn’t take pain and I don't need to be troubled,
But every morning is a pill full of hardship and struggle.
Company is dangerous because the corners never knew my ears,
Blood turns to grease and I've been burning for 18 years.

Traditional sounds much too conditional, and I told you to leave while you had the chance,
But you were kind and polite and opened the door at every glance.
I walked away with your heart on the ground,


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do you think we're friends in every universe?
by t.e. talbott

"do you think we're friends in every universe?"

i think sometimes
you're an unexpected present in June,
the gift of consideration outside of birthdays.
sometimes i'm gratitude, a full heart
thanking the heavens for you.

sometimes i’m the white-washed face of God
in someone's painting,


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Night sky
by Elizabeth Sorrell

To you, my love
Lover of the sky
And The stars
The one who would pay
Just to watch a natural background
Searching for a shooting star
A symbol of hope in the dark

The little details are the biggest
And I’ll remember them all until


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Alone In Our Thoughts
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

As the sun shines through the leaves...
Peering through in the shape of a heart...
Our park benches sit so empty...
As insecure love drifts apart...

Your hand no longer clutching mine...
On the walks which we no longer go...
The emptiness runs oh so deep...
Like a well with no bottom below...


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I don't exist
by William Davis

I don't exist.
I mean, you can shake my hand,
you may hear my joints echo
through a hollow shell of man.

I don't exist.
But feel free to pick my brain,
I'll say the things I wished to hear
to help ease both our pain.


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Recent Relationships Poems
40. I only needed it to rain
by Kea Campbell

I only needed it to rain and my only incentive was the storm,
Because it was founding my Red Sea and caused me to sink to the floor.
It doesn’t take pain and I don't need to be troubled,
But every morning is a pill full of hardship and struggle.
Company is dangerous because the corners never knew my ears,
Blood turns to grease and I've been burning for 18 years.

Traditional sounds much too conditional, and I told you to leave while you had the chance,
But you were kind and polite and opened the door at every glance.
I walked away with your heart on the ground,


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All's Fair in Covert Fuckery
by Frangipani Rhett

Something must be wrong with me
To make me care about a man
Who can't take the time to reply to me
Or simply give a damn

I can only make assumptions
At this point I'm less upset
That he only wanted to fuck me
But too bad for him, I'm not done yet


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by Gaia Ku


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by Ainsley Cahill

I think I like being alone
Well, not alone of course I have friends and family
But alone in a sense of romance
I am okay with that
Boys are incompetent
Too needy
Too narcissistic
And in the end you'll just get hurt
What's the point of dating?
To hurt?


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by Ken Ripley

There’s nothing like a mirror
To show you who you are.
To look outward from our face
Is to miss the color of our hair
And the features of our race.

Since we lack an ability to see,
Our minds are free to roam and be.
We are handsome and above the rest,
Nobly browed with piercing eyes,


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    August 3, 1950 - Virginia Beach
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  • Adam Greenwood
    Adam Greenwood (1 poems about Relationships)
    March 31st, 1999 - County Durham