Frangipani Rhett

Hospital Room 777
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You're My Deep Breath

Today my child slammed the door too hard
And I took a deep breath and thought of you
You set the standard for how to show love
And so I shifted towards compassion

Last Sunday I met up with a friend for coffee
And she talked for so long, I got bored
I took a deep breath and thought of you
And remembered the presence you gave me

If I vent to a mentor I don't gaslight myself anymore
The way they responded was stilted
So I take a deep breath and remind myself
I don't need to correct them, but I know where my self worth is

The times I came undone you were there, right beside me
When I was stressed, you helped me brainstorm
Now I take a deep breath because you can't come save me
And remember your peace with my soul
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