Daddy, where were you when I was just a child,
A perfect little girl, eager and mild?
I didn't ask for much—just a look, a touch—
But you slipped away; was I asking too much?
Were you running from her, from her bitter flame?
But what about me—did you even know my name?
I lied to everyone, said we were close,
Don't tell me it's okay,
I don't deserve it that way,
Don't tell me your just fine,
Fine was always mine,
You own the words in my throat,
A creamy spatter,
What could be
What was
I can't be here
I can't be without you
Your pretension exhausts me
With your absurd actions superseding your illogical thoughts
Fallacies fiddling your holier than thou
Yet I remain loathsomely chained
Familial blood eradicating the spirit
If blood is thicker than water
Then let Tylenol dilute me and be my keeper
Don't tell me it's okay,
I don't deserve it that way,
Don't tell me your just fine,
Fine was always mine,
You own the words in my throat,
A creamy spatter,
What could be
What was
I can't be here
I can't be without you
Today my child slammed the door too hard
And I took a deep breath and thought of you
You set the standard for how to show love
And so I shifted towards compassion
Last Sunday I met up with a friend for coffee
And she talked for so long, I got bored
I took a deep breath and thought of you
And remembered the presence you gave me
Your pretension exhausts me
With your absurd actions superseding your illogical thoughts
Fallacies fiddling your holier than thou
Yet I remain loathsomely chained
Familial blood eradicating the spirit
If blood is thicker than water
Then let Tylenol dilute me and be my keeper
Today my child slammed the door too hard
And I took a deep breath and thought of you
You set the standard for how to show love
And so I shifted towards compassion
Last Sunday I met up with a friend for coffee
And she talked for so long, I got bored
I took a deep breath and thought of you
And remembered the presence you gave me
Daddy, where were you when I was just a child,
A perfect little girl, eager and mild?
I didn't ask for much—just a look, a touch—
But you slipped away; was I asking too much?
Were you running from her, from her bitter flame?
But what about me—did you even know my name?
I lied to everyone, said we were close,
Don't tell me it's okay,
I don't deserve it that way,
Don't tell me your just fine,
Fine was always mine,
You own the words in my throat,
A creamy spatter,
What could be
What was
I can't be here
I can't be without you
Don't tell me it's okay,
I don't deserve it that way,
Don't tell me your just fine,
Fine was always mine,
You own the words in my throat,
A creamy spatter,
What could be
What was
I can't be here
I can't be without you