Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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Jesting Jack, Jinxed Jill

Jack and Jill were brother and sister, whose environs were hilly and green;
And they groomed horses and worked in gardens, oft 'til a moonlight scene.

They did daily chores on a farm, in the outlying regions of Center Kingdom;
Like collecting eggs and feeding their animals, under the varying sun prism.

They swept the porch and milked goats, or harvested vegetables and fruits;
Like the mad flight of lovely Esmeralda, when autumn colors were in pursuit!

Their frisky friends were farmers' children from nearby, with a few far-flung;
And they found favorite spots for flying kites, after hectic chores were done.

A finer family could never be found, than fiercely devoted, Father and Mother,
Always faithful to their forthright king, like cherry blossoms, sun smothered.

They lived in the house of orange-pink sunrise, deep green, beauty blessed;
For early rising became habit, like red blooms, magenta butterflies pressed.

The pace was slower and very peaceful, along the pretty path to their door;
And larks, finches and warblers played, prancing and singing musical scores.

Nearest neighbors from the Jones farm, naturally visited with word of mouth,
On nice, nectarine days without clouds, bearing nosegays, sunshine doused!

Toothache blooms were receiving patients, and caring, bleeding hearts wept;
As mountains align like stoic soldiers, in red realms, where no one has slept.

Confetti colored fields bore celebration blooms, gravely honoring all sunsets;
As shy, sensitive plants hid themselves away, from fervid sun's rouge regrets.

Like many brothers, Jack at times teased Jill, as he did on the way up the hill;
As he and Jill were fetching water; when summer bloomed, and birds trilled.

Pupils at a parish school, Jill had forgot her lessons-Jack laughed and laughed.
Jill saw scarlet rage, pushed Jack, then was aghast! Tensest moments passed!

As the hill was steep, jesting Jack went flying, and Jill, too, lost her balance.
Jack's head hit a rock and he lay still, as did Jill in amber noon, like a trance.

A hill was no place for fighting. Poor Jill lost her temper, as sapphires rained;
For jinxed by the heavy bucket, she fell too; and siblings lay in blooms' reign.

Worried Mother and Father sought the children, and the missing crystal water,
Frantic to find them both unconscious, a darling only son, and only daughter!

For a long time, Jill was sore all over, while her brother, Jack was concussed.
Both laid abed for weeks, mauve dawn to plum evening, when crickets fussed.

They grew closer through shared convalescence, aware of their special bond;
As love and caring replaced fighting, as if a fairy had waved her magic wand!
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