Nursery rhyme Poems

Popular Nursery rhyme Poems
Taming the Nightmare
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

April Brooks was four years old, prattling a blue streak, like comets;
Or backwards walking time, seizing swiftly, days of golden promise.

April lived with parents and older sister, in the sunshine of a valley;
And petals wore dew pearls and fragrance, all along the green alley.

April and sister, Dawn, loved horses, though still too young to ride;
But, they adored fairy-tales about them, like lilac, at rose's bedside.

Fuchsia was the color of fall skies, and the fun year was fading away,


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Silver and Gold
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Johnny MacAlister was six-years-old, young enough still for wishes,
Baby sister, Rosie, was all of three, all giggling and adorable kisses.

With fond, indulgent parents, the family was content in their home,
In a town, sleepy in sunlit day, where a scarlet cock used his comb.

Johnny played with Rosie every day. He loved to get her laughing;
As if a gaudy parade of jesters and clowns, chanced to be passing!

Forget-me-not days brought fast friends, in fruitful times of flowers,


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The Dream Patrol
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Willie Winkie lived in a land of magic, in the region called Butterfly Haven;
For Willie was a diminutive elf, like the violet blossoms, of purple fixation.

Willie and his beloved wife, Elvira, lived highly organized, pleasant lives;
For magic impels ways and customs to differ, like buds, as spring arrives.

Everyone called Willie Winkie, 'Wee,' since most elves were notably bigger;
But, he was Director of Dreams, scattering joys of plum night, with vigor.

Violence was completely unheard of, inside their peace loving community,


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Ladybird, Ladybird
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Empress Ladybird lived in Moss Wood, in a huge, hollow of an oak tree;
In domestic comfort, with all her dear children, beyond the entry, leafy.

Empress and her mate had parted, when they'd resolved to move on;
However, she would live to love again, like spring when winter's gone.

Empress was all things that a ruler should be, like Queen Anne's lace-
Always fair and kind to subjects, in the green, forest kingdom of grace.

Fireflies and frogs made up the forest family, and visited at olive even,


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The Queen of Hearts
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The beloved Queen of Hearts was a merry queen, who'd ever loved to bake;
Like confetti midnight stars, sparkling; or the yellow, noon sun, wide awake.

She baked myriad varieties of cookies, and delicious pies of different kinds,
And also scrumptious cakes, so divine; like pure gold, tinted rainbows find.

The king had a cheerful disposition, too, but betimes could be quite stern;
Like the scarlet blossoms, which fail to thrive, before floriculture is learned.

Faithful friends became part of the many faceted court, like tinted bubbles,


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Recent Nursery rhyme Poems
Taming the Nightmare
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

April Brooks was four years old, prattling a blue streak, like comets;
Or backwards walking time, seizing swiftly, days of golden promise.

April lived with parents and older sister, in the sunshine of a valley;
And petals wore dew pearls and fragrance, all along the green alley.

April and sister, Dawn, loved horses, though still too young to ride;
But, they adored fairy-tales about them, like lilac, at rose's bedside.

Fuchsia was the color of fall skies, and the fun year was fading away,


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Summertime Karaoke
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Norah Lynn was ten years old, and dreamed of being a ballet dancer;
Like cherry blossoms, fluttering in breeze, whispering with no answer.

She lived with her parents and sister, Phoebe, in the house upon a hill.
Norah Lynn and Phoebe adored nursery songs; like mockingbird thrill!

Often, they danced in coral twilight, after study and chores were done;
Like the rosy dawn which brings with it, everything under orange sun.

Fences were festooned with flame lilies, to greet plum-fuchsia sunset,


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A Magical Tune
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Sunflower Meadows was a place of mystical beauty, green and abloom.
That's where seven-year-old Ava lived, like laughter and spicy perfume.

Ava lived with her parents and three siblings, like stars dance together;
And she loved golden, nursery rhymes, like sunshine, carnival pleasure.

Their farm was small but busy, and all of the family had sundry chores.
Ava collected eggs and fed poultry, eating and picking berries, outdoors.

Faint flurries of wind cooled afternoon, and family came, in floppy hats;


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Wishing Well
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Stella Williams was eight years old, living with her widowed mother-
Happily, though a bit lonely, like powder blue skies, sans sunset color.

The Williams lived in a rural area, with no child Stella's age, nearby.
A farmer in the valley, was the only neighbor, like waves of no reply.

Still, school hours were fun for Stella, like rollicking days of summer;
When plum sun, waltzed with stars of glitter, often going undercover.

Stella, at times, threw coins in their well, to wish for a special friend,


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Tsk Tsk, Task Nearly Thwarted
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Mary Lou Sims was young and enterprising, like stars routing dark;
Or mauve dawn on the verge of discovery, awaiting time's remarks.

Mary Lou's best friend was Cora Mann, ever since sweet childhood;
When they'd sat in zesty school together, in the town of 'Wildwood.'

They dreamed of opening an antique shop, like an old rose garden;
Awash in butterscotch sun's long memory, scents roaming, wanton.

Other friends visited Mary Lou frequently, like frilly clouds visit sun;


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