Fantasy Poems

Popular Fantasy Poems
Where's Sam?
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Mary Davis dwelled on a fruit farm, adoring the company of animals.
Most beloved was sociable Sam, who made her giggle, like bubbles!

Whereas Mary was seven-years-old, Sam, her lamb, was still a baby,
Given to Mary by best neighbors, when they played in orange daisies.

Sam's white fleece was soft and fluffy, like a mound of feather pillows;
Like clouds of endless, turquoise skies, blown by breezes, into billows.

Sweet-natured Sam and Mary's bond, was special. Soon inseperable!


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Taming the Nightmare
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

April Brooks was four years old, prattling a blue streak, like comets;
Or backwards walking time, seizing swiftly, days of golden promise.

April lived with parents and older sister, in the sunshine of a valley;
And petals wore dew pearls and fragrance, all along the green alley.

April and sister, Dawn, loved horses, though still too young to ride;
But, they adored fairy-tales about them, like lilac, at rose's bedside.

Fuchsia was the color of fall skies, and the fun year was fading away,


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Tooting Her Own Horn
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Mark Allen was ten years old, and his favorite things were trains;
Like teal moments after the storm, when colorful beauty remains.

Mark had a shiny, toy train set, and he was frequently adding cars;
As people often have dreams of travel, underneath jewelled stars.

Mark's Papa was a train conductor. He loved to manage the train;
And Mark liked to listen for its whistle, while playing in Green Lane.

Dinah was Mark's little sister, and she'd give her toy horn a blast;


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Red Rooster's Point of View
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Julian and Joan were married, just as glitter is joined to crystal sun.
Julian was a famous violinist, like redbirds making music, in season.

Joan had a variety of elegant shoes. Of them, she was rightly proud.
Like seagulls of lakes and sky, whom liberty makes scream out loud!

The Halls were very busy people, like smoky shadows, ever moving;
And mornings were most hectic, like windblown petals, disapproving.

Flowering ferns graced their country house, when old friends came;


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The Dream Patrol
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Willie Winkie lived in a land of magic, in the region called Butterfly Haven;
For Willie was a diminutive elf, like the violet blossoms, of purple fixation.

Willie and his beloved wife, Elvira, lived highly organized, pleasant lives;
For magic impels ways and customs to differ, like buds, as spring arrives.

Everyone called Willie Winkie, 'Wee,' since most elves were notably bigger;
But, he was Director of Dreams, scattering joys of plum night, with vigor.

Violence was completely unheard of, inside their peace loving community,


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Recent Fantasy Poems
Not Much of a Choice
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Cooper was a large and curious tiger, the bright star of a motley circus,
Always out of step with others; like erring moon, of dawn skies, citrus.

He was well fed and got lots of attention, like rave days of mist roses,
When silver moments tell true stories, before the latterly hour closes.

Whenever other tigers went left, Cooper went steadfastly, to the right,
As they did their pretty, big top tricks-to the merry audiences' delight!

Yes, Cooper's antics became part of the act. It made the people laugh!


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Red Rooster's Point of View
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Julian and Joan were married, just as glitter is joined to crystal sun.
Julian was a famous violinist, like redbirds making music, in season.

Joan had a variety of elegant shoes. Of them, she was rightly proud.
Like seagulls of lakes and sky, whom liberty makes scream out loud!

The Halls were very busy people, like smoky shadows, ever moving;
And mornings were most hectic, like windblown petals, disapproving.

Flowering ferns graced their country house, when old friends came;


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Tooting Her Own Horn
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Mark Allen was ten years old, and his favorite things were trains;
Like teal moments after the storm, when colorful beauty remains.

Mark had a shiny, toy train set, and he was frequently adding cars;
As people often have dreams of travel, underneath jewelled stars.

Mark's Papa was a train conductor. He loved to manage the train;
And Mark liked to listen for its whistle, while playing in Green Lane.

Dinah was Mark's little sister, and she'd give her toy horn a blast;


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Where's Sam?
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Mary Davis dwelled on a fruit farm, adoring the company of animals.
Most beloved was sociable Sam, who made her giggle, like bubbles!

Whereas Mary was seven-years-old, Sam, her lamb, was still a baby,
Given to Mary by best neighbors, when they played in orange daisies.

Sam's white fleece was soft and fluffy, like a mound of feather pillows;
Like clouds of endless, turquoise skies, blown by breezes, into billows.

Sweet-natured Sam and Mary's bond, was special. Soon inseperable!


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Taming the Nightmare
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

April Brooks was four years old, prattling a blue streak, like comets;
Or backwards walking time, seizing swiftly, days of golden promise.

April lived with parents and older sister, in the sunshine of a valley;
And petals wore dew pearls and fragrance, all along the green alley.

April and sister, Dawn, loved horses, though still too young to ride;
But, they adored fairy-tales about them, like lilac, at rose's bedside.

Fuchsia was the color of fall skies, and the fun year was fading away,


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