Sylvia Ochieng

May 12, 1993- Nairobi
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Waiting is revealing

Pause…let this moment sit
The work in the background needs time
Each phase requests an interlude
An introduction, a response
It must unfold right

Why should we fill up this space?
Being helpless is a scare
Stillness, why demand being there
So unnerving is the stare
With a lens probing every error
Waste no time, there’s nothing pretty here

The awkward strips me bare
Questions about the why behind the hurrying
Will my faith survive the uncertainty?
The result of every scrutiny?
What of the flare-up of every emotion?
Complacency maintained my poise
But the wait broke the walls down

The prune makes room for better
But shouldn’t the pain also matter?
Build capacity, prepare
Character is what keeps you in the game
Well, if it was up to the latter
There would be no gain to look after

Though dreadful, gaps keep things sane
In perspective and authentic
The wait is a blessing in disguise
Just ride the flow and let it propel you to true north
It will prove itself in time as worthy
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