Sylvia Ochieng

May 12, 1993- Nairobi
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The Tension of the in-between

Oh such a glorious invitation
What a spiritual adventure to walk with the Most High
Infinite God and finite man on a love expedition
Oh, what mystery encamps the steer!

Deeper still He woos intently
Through faith's alley abide completely
In the dark, uncertain, hear the voice
Follow steadily without noise

With each promise definite, ponder
Let loose your sense of wonder
Take a risk, do not hold back
You are safe in His hands

Braveheart, brimming with boldness and beauty
It is springtime, escape the confines and bloom
Shout a holy defiance
The chains of complacency must break free

Arise, tomorrow`s glory is near
Like Abraham
Look up, today`s stars announce it clear
You can win conflicts now
Don't fear
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