Soul Ikarus

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A Fragile Heart In The Hands Of Turmoil

I'm participating in a poetry competition where we are required to write any poem related to the difficult times we're currently going through. I would love feedback about how this poem made you feel, what you loved, what you hated, etc... and thank you so much in advance! ♡


We have forgotten our home, and never bothered listening to what it tells.
The air to us seems suddenly diseased, yet it has never been much else.

How come this outbreak happened so fast?
I spent less time being present - that I have spent pondering how long it will last...

And how many days and deaths will it take, for us to know our place -
To truly love the earth, and to fix our mistakes?

I know of the pain when one endures so much - and it is the sweetest recipe for disaster.
We are reaping what we sowed, so we have no right to ask for an answer.

During our solitude, you had a chance to heal, to breathe and to rest,
But we have crushed your lungs under our feet once again, because that - is what we do best.

- - -

I am trying to find a serene place to take refuge in within my mind,
And I hope one day - that I would be able find -

A world where we can hold each others hands - with the earth and empathy - we stand.

- - -

You have always showered us with love of all kinds, and I hope I was able to return some of it in these humble rhymes.

Step by step, and day by day.
Tend to all wounds and pray, that all our pain would go away.
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