Sister Mary Agna Barth

Sinsinawa, WI, USA

A Wonderful Story

She sat in the quiet of the night
Listening to the Angel speak,
Her heart was all aflame
As she said, "I do not know man." She hastened from Nazareth
To a hill outside Bethlehem,
She greeted her cousin Elizabeth
Who was already with child. The words of Elizabeth
She heard with great joy,
"Blessed are you among women"
Rang in her heart. The night was dark and still,
A crowd came into the city.
Joseph went to each Inn
Only to find they were all filled. In a little cave
Outside the city,
Mary gave Birth to her Son,
She wrapped Him in swaddling clothes. As time went on,
To the temple they went,
Mary here presented her Son,
To the God she held in her arms. She watched Him grow
Until the time came again
To Jerusalem they must go.
His preaching then began. The rest of the story
You hear when Christ became a Man,
The miracles He performed
Were many. When brought before Pilate,
Pilate asked Him,
If He was the King of the Jews.
Christ answered, "I am not a Jew." "My Kingdom does not belong to this world,
My Kingdom is not here. It is you who says
I am King. I came into this world to testify
To the Truth."
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