May 06, 2003 - Singapore
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Silent Struggles

My heart, breaks each day
No one knows, they don't have to know
But it breaks each time I think about it
Some days I feel like a failure
Though I always make myself seem like a champion
Some days I feel like the ugliest girl
Though I would always self praise when I'm around others

I would overwork and stress myself out
Fall sick, health deteriorating
Without anyone noticing or caring about me
But what can I do?
I'm just another ordinary girl

I put on a mask, a facade
Pretending to be happy, pretending to be strong
But inside, I'm crumbling, I'm breaking
Piece by piece, day by day
I hide behind laughter and smiles
Hoping that no one sees the pain in my eyes

I bury my fears, my insecurities
Deep within my chest, within my soul
I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders
But no one notices, no one cares
I am invisible, I am alone
Lost in a sea of faces, a sea of expectations

But still, I keep going
I keep pushing forward
Because I am a fighter, I am a survivor
I may be ordinary, but I am strong
And one day, I will break free
From the chains that bind me
And I will soar, I will shine
Brighter than the sun, stronger than steel

So for now, I will keep up the facade
I will keep smiling, keep pretending
But deep down, I know
I am worthy, I am enough
And my heart, though broken
Will one day heal
And I will rise, I will conquer
Because I am not just another ordinary girl.
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