Michael J. Nappi

February 9th, 1964 - Brooklyn, New York
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Truth Of Nothing

Truth of Nothing
Long winded words
hot and polished
read aloud,
as if from the heart.

Speeches of subterfuge
feed full spoons of fraudulence,
slightly sweetened slander
gobbled by a gaggle of goons.

Spectacles of sunlight
burn through deception.
Rose colored lenses shattered
by brilliant beams of rectitude

Feigning refined fraudulent facades
we search for unknown truth,
shielding our eyes and the world
from internal, infernal veracity.

Heroes of history hung out to dry.
Columbus killed native Americans
In truth, he was lost
on Bahamian beaches.

False flags of forefathers
clad in warpaint and feathers
teaming with tax tainted tea
steeping an ocean of deception.

Thomas Jefferson had slaves.
He gave them babies, not freedom.
Ben Franklin was a pervert,
Abe Lincoln, a Negro.

Speed doesn't kill
it's stopping that is fatal,
internal organs scrambled
by blunt force trauma.

Living voices,
declare death is final
the departed unable,
or too busy to answer.

All we see is light,
as it is reflected..
the results may vary.
truth is a matter of perspective.

Nothing Is: Older than the universe
Nothing Is: Immune to the decay of time
Nothing: Lasts forever.

Nothing is true
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