One of the main practices of magic is the art of Visualization, and a distinction is made between “passive”, “receptive”, and “active”, “incantatory” visualization. In the first case, the operator perceives the pictures that pop up in his mind, in the second, he actively forms them
Passive visualizations can be unintentional or intentional. Unintentional passive visualizations occur when consciousness is weakened (for example, under the influence of psychotropic substances), psychosis, disorganization of mental activity, in a half-asleep and sleepy state
With active visualization, the clarity of the image increases as the ritual progresses, and when the ritual reaches its climax, it becomes impossible to distinguish the reality of the visualized object or event from the rest of the environment. In other words, when visualization reaches its maximum, the object leaves the operator’s consciousness, acquiring an independent existence
The art of transforming objects and situations from potential existence into actual existence using the willpower of the operator was considered the key to achieving Strength and Wisdom, however, people with a richly developed imagination achieve significant power without any magic, however, as a rule, they are completely unable to control their power, therefore in a difficult game they often lose
The church bell tolled
Within the village’s yawing spree.
Dawn was calm and deep, easing
Light’s hegemony over lukewarm darkness
And the frailty of post-hour orisons.
I saw the clergy’s bedraggled chasuble,
Cursed by the fierce streak of something reddish.
On his mouth spewed forth wind-caked saliva,
Evidence of a hidden tryst.
The space between worlds, heterogeneous in its composition, meaning and energy structure - the Elements - is devoid of its own stable laws of existence, and its inhabitants, both “indigenous” and “aliens”, are vectors of development. Therefore, all creatures located in this space must find reference points to maintain its constancy within one of the established worlds
Accordingly, the Elemental Spirits rely on the elements of the physical world, the Elementals rely on some parts of their physical bodies, and the Elementaries can support themselves only by penetrating the consciousness of embodied beings, and some consider them “gray” spirits who have crossed the Boundary, others – those who have adapted to Between the Worlds by Disincarnates, and still others by completely Qlippothic demons who escaped from Sheol
In contrast to Elementals, which retain a residual memory of their origins and the relative expediency of their activity, Elementaries lack a stable appearance and represent a conglomerate of heterogeneous energies, have no energy of their own and feed only through predation, parasitism and corpse-eating. They are not even deprived of a stable state of consciousness, but in reality it is a "naked" desire to devour - a "vacuum cleaner" striving to suck up all the crumbs of energy at their disposal
The real situation of the current time is that the Edge is thinning, and the number of creatures rushing into our world is constantly and steadily increasing. At the same time, it is the Elementaries that turn out to be an important echelon of this invasion, since they are the best able to adapt to any conditions, are the best adapted to survival and are the least limited by any goals other than satisfying hunger. Therefore, the time has come to study these creatures, their characteristics and weaknesses in order to not only protect yourself, but also your environment from this still poorly understood threat
Late November,
and lonely resonance of harmattan
salutes this solitude.
A weaverbird's contralto, in one
gale-sweep, lays bare the lower balustrade
of a maisonette,
and the romance of the last seasons
shoots the long throat of the clarinet...
O'classicals, on wings
Knowledge is misery.
There is no knowledge,
And only one certainty;
I am.
Monday 22 April 2022
The manifested world is conceived as the result of the influence of a differentiating principle (consciousness) on a potential field (environment). It is in this sense that the world is “illusory”, since its manifestation is determined by the activity of the subject - consciousness
At the same time, consciousness, “cognizing” the world, constantly moves from the general to the particular, and from the particular to the general, and logoi can be understood as ideas of a high level of abstraction and syntheticity, outlining the general laws of cognition/creation
Describing the manifestation of a given logos in a set of specific conditions, consciousness is in the area of ideas, eidos - a “specific section” of logos, and trying to understand the “internal laws” of a given object, consciousness finds itself in the area of “models” - Me - the rules and laws by which it is built this object, and on which its interaction with other objects is based
Magicians discovered that consciousness, having interacted with the environment, leaves its “imprint” in it, a trace of its influence, a kind of potential matrix, a “memory” of the interaction that took place. Thus, the environment exists as a collection of such Reshimot, each of which can quickly and easily be actualized upon repeated contact with consciousness. Therefore, objects that are not in the field of consciousness do not disappear, but exist as a Reshimot, the possibility of existence, which occupies an important place both in the search for ways to influence objects and in the search for ways of liberation from unwanted influences
Such a card allows the magician to effectively build his functioning on the path to his goal - complete self-realization and liberation
Laying awake in the early hours of the morning and I can’t help but wonder of things I know to be true and right and good. Or do I really know? Cogito, ergo sum _ I think, therefore I am, or so it goes.
For when my thoughts wake in the place where dreams and sleep collide, my questions are eternal and the void never-ending. Yes, I would give my right eye like the All-father to drink from wisdom’s well.
I think about time and chaos and existence and I have more questions and no answers.
For did time exist before the word itself or was it born from chaos as it is said all things were.
Every star we see in the night sky is centuries old, it’s light just a ghost of a flame that burnt hundreds of years ago.
For a magician, the world is not just one at the core of its existence, it is a process, a flow in which its individual parts continuously and consistently acquire independent existence and also dissolve again in its integrity. For a magician, the world is not an object, but a process, just as he himself is a process, a flow of being/awareness
We continuously and endlessly create ourselves and the world with our consciousness, and this does not mean that the world is just an illusion, it means that the existence of the world and its awareness are two sides of a single, essentially, process
Only that which is realized exists, and the process of awareness itself is identical to the process of creation. Awareness from this point of view is the selection from an infinite potential, homogeneous and indistinguishable field of possibilities of a specific manifestation, and the transfer of this manifestation from the area of possibilities to the area of concrete actions and interactions
Expansion of the spectrum of interpenetration of being and awareness, their integration and mutual realization can occur from two sides - from the side of awareness and from the side of being, which is reflected in two global currents of development - Eastern and Western
For a magician, the ideas of the interdependence of the world are specific indications on the Path of his development. A magician is a flow among flows, a glance among glances, a process among processes. And his self-identification and self-realization is a simultaneously ongoing psychocosmic and macrocosmic process, the path of formation and self-knowledge of the universality of reality, which is higher than the very idea of reality
One of the main practices of magic is the art of Visualization, and a distinction is made between “passive”, “receptive”, and “active”, “incantatory” visualization. In the first case, the operator perceives the pictures that pop up in his mind, in the second, he actively forms them
Passive visualizations can be unintentional or intentional. Unintentional passive visualizations occur when consciousness is weakened (for example, under the influence of psychotropic substances), psychosis, disorganization of mental activity, in a half-asleep and sleepy state
With active visualization, the clarity of the image increases as the ritual progresses, and when the ritual reaches its climax, it becomes impossible to distinguish the reality of the visualized object or event from the rest of the environment. In other words, when visualization reaches its maximum, the object leaves the operator’s consciousness, acquiring an independent existence
The art of transforming objects and situations from potential existence into actual existence using the willpower of the operator was considered the key to achieving Strength and Wisdom, however, people with a richly developed imagination achieve significant power without any magic, however, as a rule, they are completely unable to control their power, therefore in a difficult game they often lose
Almost every person in his life has had to deal with ghosts, ghosts, poltergeists or other similar “paranormal” phenomena, Elementaries “stuck” between incarnations, held by some strong attachments in our world and seeking liberation or “repayment of debts”
However, this is true only for a tiny fraction of “ghosts”; the vast majority are only “imprints” of the personality of the deceased, his powers are called “Breath of Bones” - this is a decaying etheric body
Any interaction with an elementer generates an exertion of the Power of life, accompanied by its outflow from a living being. The "breath of bones", if they exhibit vampiric properties, it is only to the extent that a living being tries to "pour" life into them
It turns out that a collision with an elementer is always a struggle, but a collision with the Breath of Bones is like a collision with any corpse – unpleasant, ritually unclean, but not dangerous in itself – unless you make mistakes