Late November,
and lonely resonance of harmattan
salutes this solitude.
A weaverbird's contralto, in one
gale-sweep, lays bare the lower balustrade
of a maisonette,
and the romance of the last seasons
shoots the long throat of the clarinet...
O'classicals, on wings
The sinners who hastened out of Eden
on that morning of intense blemishes
provoked the energy of the sun,
and it shone with reckless rays,
melting bluffs that levelled up with
crying land;
and then came the power of rain
which carved up old tracks into sinuous routes,
thus swallowing our pride on our behalf.
A dream can be called a state of consciousness in which it is devoid of a vector, that is, it freely changes its direction and it is the intermittency of states of consciousness that allows the dream to discover what it cannot achieve in the waking state: discoveries, insights received in a dream are the result of these leaps , overcoming chasms for which there was not enough strength in the vector state - it gives freedom to leaps of consciousness
However, the dream consciousness is incapable of giving the idea form, incapable of analyzing and synthesizing it, although it is capable of highlighting it in the integrity of the synthesis. Another important feature of a dream is its symbolism. The images that the vectorless consciousness captures are not associated with experience and are therefore expressed in symbols - universal elements of meaning diffused in the universe. The dream is metaphorical in nature, it is devoid of direct answers and direct actions
The consciousness of each person enters from time to time a state that can be described by the term “waking dream”, that is, consciousness does not fall out of “reality”, but, at the same time, acquires the characteristics of a Dream. The world in this state is perceived as a symbol, and the events in it do not have a strict relationship. This state can be both fruitful and dangerous. In addition to the fact that they can lead to loss of adequacy and insanity, they, like any dream, open the mind to various predators seeking to master it
In addition, if a joint “nighttime” dream is very rare and requires special skills and inclination, then a “waking dream” may well be experienced by several people, which also increases its value. Moreover, such a “dreamer” can adequately interact with “waking” people, and this interaction can be mutually beneficial
A harmonious state is a state when nothing is “pulled” anywhere, and movement occurs only under the influence of free will. The last point is also important, since the balance of the magician's harmony does not mean his immobility. On the contrary, the magician’s harmony is dynamic, it is born precisely in movement along the Path
The path to achieving harmony lies in combining desire, opportunity, need and intention for action, because only when the magician wants to do something and when his Path needs it, the action is harmonious. These four elements are symbolized by the four mottos: to desire, to be silent, to dare and to know, which describe the Path of the Magician
Accordingly, the magician must receive an affirmative answer to four questions: 1) do I want this? (wish); 2) do I need it? (intelligence); 3) can I do this? (will) and 4) should it be done? (intention), in order for the action to be harmonious
The development of the magician must occur in such a way that the friction within him constantly decreases. To do this, the magician tracks the elements of the Psychocosmos that create interference, analyzes them for correlation with the Flow of Power, and rearranges the accents of the Psychocosmos in accordance with the results of the analysis
Individual experience gained in trance or dream states, and not in any way verified not only for objectivity, but even for safety, is considered the only reliable source, and often overshadows the knowledge accumulated over thousands of years by hundreds of generations of magicians. The study of this knowledge becomes almost shameful and is branded as a perversion
By opening the consciousness to the perception of something that is not fixed in socially established norms, a person at the same time opens up to illusions and becomes extremely vulnerable to self-deception
Therefore, any personal experience must be checked from the standpoint of Tradition, and if there is a discrepancy, not Traditions must be angrily rejected, but personal experience must be carefully and scrupulously rechecked, which has always been a prerequisite for acquiring multiplying and developing concepts
Everyone chooses for themselves - what is closer to them - however, in any case, it’s not worth drooling and aggressively rejecting serious “work on mistakes”
In the process of embodied existence, a creature accumulates a fair amount of unfulfilled promises, unfinished deeds, suppressed desires and other empty experiences that are of no interest and serve only as ballast
In other words, instead of passing Light through itself, only coloring it with the tonality of its individuality, transforming it from “Blue” to “White,” a disharmonious consciousness “loses” part of the Light to disharmonious and unfinished affairs, and thus “throws away shadow". What restrictions and problems will arise in the “next” life are largely determined by what kind of Shadow was created in the “past” life
Shadows exist in a separate state of the universe - Hela, they need the energy that supports their existence, which they draw from the gaps in Adira, which arose as a result of the very disharmonious actions that gave birth to the Shadow. Thus, it turns out that the Shadow is a kind of parasite that siphons energy from the creature associated with it
Magic has developed two approaches to get out of this situation. Firstly, the magician must avoid generating Shadows in his existence - his affairs must be completed as much as possible, and his connections must be effective. It is this kind of existence that is called flawless. Secondly, the magician must, if possible, withdraw support and neutralize the Shadows created in previous incarnations of his Monad. This can be done either by distributing debts (at least in a symbolic action) accumulated over “past” incarnations, or by melting or unweaving your soul
However, regardless of the chosen method, the influence of the Shadows on the magician's stream of consciousness must be stopped, or at least minimized. Without this, it is extremely difficult for a magician to achieve high efficiency of existence
Force (in the sense of the world field of realized stresses) has two forms of movement: vortex and vector. With a vortex effect on reality, the driving principle is desire, considered from the point of view of the element of feelings. Vector movement occurs when new forces are introduced into the existing system, the creative will is based on the element of reason, on its differentiating activity
With a vortex effect, there is always a close interaction between two or more energy vortices - the operator and the spirit, the operator and the deity, the operator and the larva, and the overall potential of the system does not change, any created vortex can be neutralized, and sometimes annihilated, similar, but oppositely directed whirlwind. The demon is balanced by the angel; Damage is removed by sanctification, and a curse by blessing. Therefore, by calling on an angel or genius, you can effectively protect yourself from demonic influence
With vectorial influence, the operator interacts only with the Great Flow of Power, changing its structure with his will, based on Runic Flows, which means it cannot be canceled by simply adding “opposite” force. By adding an “opposite” Rune, you cannot cancel the effect of another rune. For example, if the fire was caused by attracting the power of Kenaz, then it cannot simply be “flooded” with Laguz
It is very important for a magician to understand the nature of the movement of power that occurs in each specific Ritual, and when using several sources of power, the types and methods of their interactions. Without such understanding, the magician will never achieve the efficiency required to succeed in his evolution and win the Last Battle
The driving force for any development, and indeed any movement of consciousness, is a feeling of dissatisfaction with one’s current position, a feeling that a more harmonious state is possible - consciousness experiences discomfort when it encounters any restrictions, restrictions on its movement
The fundamental principle of reality is understood as a universal category, completely free from restrictions, which means the absence of any manifestations and forms. To describe the transition to actual reality, the idea of “differentiation” is used: the transition to “creativity”, to “being” begins with the appearance of the First duality: God/world, Father/Mother, Being/consciousness. This absolute distinction also turns out to be “absolute suffering”, which is expressed as the “sacrifice” underlying the universe
The Great Spirit experiences “absolute limitation,” which is the absolute source of dissatisfaction, and the entire further process is aimed at restoring unity and, accordingly, ending suffering from limitation
In order to avoid suffering, Consciousness can either simply declare: “I am God,” “Atman is Brahman,” and close its eyes to the world’s diversity. The question that remains open is precisely the original “suffering” of a divided reality
If at the initial stages of development the motive is to reduce personal dissatisfaction with one’s limitations, then as development progresses this goal becomes more global, and one’s own development turns into an instrument for changing the world - the creature understands that by reducing one’s own limitations, increasing one’s own fulfillment, it also contributes to a decrease suffering in the world as such
From the point of view of consciousness, the entire unified reality is described as a psychocosmos, just as from the point of view of being it is considered as a macrocosm or “physical” cosmos. The basis of the psychocosmos is the original absolute space, which has no coordinates or irregularities. This absolutely empty (and, at the same time, absolutely filled with potentialities) space is consciousness in the proper sense of the word
However, entering the process of self-knowledge, and for this purpose, isolating and objectifying its actual characteristics from its potential homogeneity, consciousness forms in itself a set of processes and actors, which are generally called awareness. These characteristics and figures in general have a matrix nature, and the matrices themselves are ordered and supported by a hierarchy of meanings - logoi of consciousness
In psychocosmos, there are three fundamental “levels” - the level of “initial fullness” (or “emptiness”), the level of self-awareness (the level of manifestation of subjects) and the operating level (the level of processes). It is clear that at the initial level consciousness is beyond descriptions, at the second it is present, and only at the third level does its actual existence develop
Those areas of consciousness that arise in his self-study as a “reaction” to any incompleteness or lack of awareness, although isolated from potential completeness, are not yet “illuminated”, and therefore are called “shadow”, and are the habitat of the destructive forces of the psychocosm. Accordingly, the task of consciousness is not only the search and actualization of its potentials, but also the completeness of this search, its completeness and maximum completion, as well as the correction of those mistakes that were made in previous searches and actualizations
Description and mapping of consciousness, discovery of its dead ends, as well as open doors for development in it, are the most important actions that must be performed by consciousness striving for internal harmony, so that its structure is truly ordered, psychocosmic, and not destructive and chaotic
Separate Energies can interact with each other due to a certain internal affinity arising from their very nature as parts of the One. These interactions form separate blocks of energies, and the forces that support the unity of these blocks are called Logoi. The differential logoi accessible to human consciousness are called ideas, or Me.
Since ancient times, the symbolic expression of logos has created human language as a way of comparing macrocosmic and psychocosmic reality. This comparison is based on the Law of Analogies, which marks the “sections” of the logos by each of the planes of reality. Almost all languages, with a greater or lesser degree of accuracy, sought to reflect logos in their elements - letters, sounds and words. Each letter was considered as a symbol of a separate energy or logos of a lower order, and the word - as an expression of a logos of a greater degree of syntheticity
Pronouncing a whole phrase from correctly selected and correctly pronounced words means the emergence of a whole process - magical creativity. This is how the idea of the Spell arises
At the same time, any effective spell must include logos of two levels – Names, that is, the objectification of active figures (gods, spirits, angels or demons) of the process being launched and fields (– expression of those aspects of the process to which activity should be directed. The more precisely the names and fields are compared, the more fully the total Logo of the spell is expressed, which means that it is more effective. The correct utterance of the Spell translates it into the manifested world
In the process of pronouncing, the formative force of the voice, supported by consciousness, reason and feelings, tears out the formed words and phrases from the homogeneous "white noise", and the will relies on this action, actualizing the corresponding logos from the homogeneous field of energies. Any magical act occurs simultaneously at the level of the psychocosmos and macrocosmos, being and consciousness, and the effectiveness of this synchrony largely determines the success of the implementation itself