Philosophy Poems

Popular Philosophy Poems
Force has two forms of movement: vortex and vector
by Michael Rufman

Force (in the sense of the world field of realized stresses) has two forms of movement: vortex and vector. With a vortex effect on reality, the driving principle is desire, considered from the point of view of the element of feelings. Vector movement occurs when new forces are introduced into the existing system, the creative will is based on the element of reason, on its differentiating activity

With a vortex effect, there is always a close interaction between two or more energy vortices - the operator and the spirit, the operator and the deity, the operator and the larva, and the overall potential of the system does not change, any created vortex can be neutralized, and sometimes annihilated, similar, but oppositely directed whirlwind. The demon is balanced by the angel; Damage is removed by sanctification, and a curse by blessing. Therefore, by calling on an angel or genius, you can effectively protect yourself from demonic influence

With vectorial influence, the operator interacts only with the Great Flow of Power, changing its structure with his will, based on Runic Flows, which means it cannot be canceled by simply adding “opposite” force. By adding an “opposite” Rune, you cannot cancel the effect of another rune. For example, if the fire was caused by attracting the power of Kenaz, then it cannot simply be “flooded” with Laguz

It is very important for a magician to understand the nature of the movement of power that occurs in each specific Ritual, and when using several sources of power, the types and methods of their interactions. Without such understanding, the magician will never achieve the efficiency required to succeed in his evolution and win the Last Battle

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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

The toothache of the earth ceases when from behind
Ailing soils, browned to coma, muffled air breathes . . .
Autumn signifies the yellowness of strife, the redness of soothing
Cusps and the flowering of weeping, desiccated grounds.
We raise decibels of canticles, wafting atop candle flares
Of seasons’ end.
Let midnight keep with us the lucubration spirit, when like
Renewed sprites, we hinge our promises on patented soils laid
Bare by the sputum of harvest.
O’ Harvest, hear us well.


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Strength and Authority
by Michael Rufman

Any path in life consists of the continuous accumulation of experience - awareness - that is, the inclusion of more and more new elements in the picture of the world, and understanding the connections in this case turns out to be even more important than understanding the essence of the objects themselves

Having a generally progressively increasing character, the development of awareness over time has an oscillatory, zigzag appearance, a large number of walkers stop at the first peak they reach, refusing to go down, since being at the top indulges in the illusion of breadth of view and elevation above the rest, but continuing the path requires descent, returning to a “less advanced” state, of course, taking into account the accumulated experience

There are two components of the Path - Strength and Authority, which are equally necessary for movement, and if Strength is the “height” of flight, the degree of realization of the potentialities of a being, then Authority is the ability to find a way out of new situations, which means that Authority is necessary in order to, having fallen from a local peak, do not climb to it again, locking yourself in the evil infinity of repetitions, but climb to the next, higher, but again local peak, descend from it and continue the path again

Even the acquisition of these basic qualities occurs in different ways: Strength is hunted, and Authority is earned, if the acquisition of Strength is a largely spontaneous result, while the acquisition of Authority is the result of a steady march along the Path

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The impeccability of a magician
by Michael Rufman

The impeccability of a magician is the path to his integrity, and the main value of this integrity lies precisely in the fact that internal contradictions and inconsistencies cease to dissipate the magician’s power, which means his effectiveness increases

This means that from a practical point of view, it does not matter whether the magician is guided in performing the ritual by love or hatred, attraction or repulsion, the main thing is that this force is as pure as possible, that is, the magician is as flawless as possible

A magician torn apart by internal contradictions has a very good prospect for development, but at the same time very low efficiency of implementation. And vice versa, a magician who does not experience internal conflicts is highly effective in the field of implementation, but is stopped in his development

Therefore, a very important art of the magician must be the ability to balance between the need to fight for one’s authenticity and the importance of the integrity of the impulse. The magician must be able to both “thicken”, “coagulate” and “thin”, “solvate” his being, be united, but, at the same time, not forget about internal enemies

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The general task of the “vital body”
by Michael Rufman

Control over one's manifestations, so important for a magician, must extend to all levels of his being, consciousness and his support - the body. on the dense plane, the human being has a double support - in the form of “physical” and “etheric” bodies. And if interactions at the level of the “physical” body are usually clearly visible and accessible to control, then interactions at the level of vital, sensory and mental vehicles are not so obvious, although no less important

Since the general task of the “vital body” is precisely to provide the creature with access to the ocean of Vital force and distribute this force across different levels of functioning of the conductors of consciousness, the organs of the vital body (the Eastern tradition calls them “chakras”) are adapted specifically for the distribution of energy. Each organ of the vital body is capable of receiving vital force and transforming it into the type of energy (pneuma) that is required from this organ, which is characteristic of it. and, of course, the control and management of such interactions for the magician must be an important aspect of his effective existence

Historically, two approaches to this control have been developed. The first is “body-oriented” - all kinds of energy exercises are directed - yoga, qigong, etc. The second approach is the development of the energy of awareness to such an extent that it streamlines the currents of life force - “competitive” rituals, exercises of vision of energies, etc. It is clear that the first approach involves promoting control “bottom-up”, and the second - “top-down”

Both approaches are very effective, and the choice of which one to use is a matter of personal preference for the magician. Not only awareness, but also discipline and orderliness of actions gives the magician the degree of efficiency that is necessary to go beyond simple evolution, and this is the first task of Magic itself

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Recent Philosophy Poems
Search for vision
by Michael Rufman

The human consciousness, closed in on itself and completely using all its cognitive capabilities on the standard templates slipped by society, predators and parasites, is not capable of going beyond its boundaries and needs a push, an introduction into this new state for itself - needs discovery. It is precisely this initiatory event that must occur during the Vision Quest.

The vision comes when the seeker is in harmony with himself, pure in thoughts and free from emotions. Then the mind throws aside natural barriers and allows the feelings to penetrate, and then the voice of the Force can be felt. Therefore, the Search is usually preceded by preliminary measures aimed at cleansing the field of consciousness. However, establishing order in the Psychocosmos is not the only condition of the Vision. It is also necessary to overcome the Threshold. Therefore, all efforts of the seeker should be aimed at maximum harmonization. of his being, and to destabilize the Edge. In various ways, the magician achieves that the Veil becomes thinner, his consciousness begins to guard its borders less harshly, and the Unknown begins to seep through them

The vision that opens to the magician during the Search is individual and usually concerns him personally - his motives, internal dead ends, fears and problems. An important danger of Search is also connected with this - the seeker can end up in a world different from the usual one and get lost there, while in this world he either disappears or goes crazy (in the second case, consciousness is directed towards one world, and the guide is in another)

Another danger of overcoming the Threshold is that after the seeker, inhabitants of the beyond, including predators, may also pass through the threshold

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Naming is identical to creation
by Michael Rufman

From the point of view of the magical worldview, naming is identical to creation, since its essence comes down to the actualization of the corresponding Logos

This is not just a name, it is a designation for a set of properties, which is understood as an object. When consciousness identifies certain aggregates from the entire field of potentially possible interactions and qualities, that is, names them, it establishes the internal logic of this system or process, which means it identifies a certain logos, a system-forming rule, which, in turn, directs these manifestations

The ability of consciousness to correctly “name” is directly proportional to its “creative capabilities”, and “knowledge of names”, identical to “knowledge of logoi”, is in fact a measure of magical Authority, which implies the ability to “see logic”, that is, to name, and therefore - highlight for your consciousness as actually existing - internally stable systems

The transition of the magician’s consciousness from the “subordinate” state, in which it is only a “toy” of forces, to the creative state, implies an understanding of logoi, or more precisely, mastery of logoi, and therefore the acquisition of greater freedom. The magician sees that “everything is possible,” but “not everything is useful,” that is, not every objectified system can turn out to be

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Magical description of the world
by Michael Rufman

The manifested world is conceived as the result of the influence of a differentiating principle (consciousness) on a potential field (environment). It is in this sense that the world is “illusory”, since its manifestation is determined by the activity of the subject - consciousness

At the same time, consciousness, “cognizing” the world, constantly moves from the general to the particular, and from the particular to the general, and logoi can be understood as ideas of a high level of abstraction and syntheticity, outlining the general laws of cognition/creation

Describing the manifestation of a given logos in a set of specific conditions, consciousness is in the area of ​​ideas, eidos - a “specific section” of logos, and trying to understand the “internal laws” of a given object, consciousness finds itself in the area of ​​“models” - Me - the rules and laws by which it is built this object, and on which its interaction with other objects is based

Magicians discovered that consciousness, having interacted with the environment, leaves its “imprint” in it, a trace of its influence, a kind of potential matrix, a “memory” of the interaction that took place. Thus, the environment exists as a collection of such Reshimot, each of which can quickly and easily be actualized upon repeated contact with consciousness. Therefore, objects that are not in the field of consciousness do not disappear, but exist as a Reshimot, the possibility of existence, which occupies an important place both in the search for ways to influence objects and in the search for ways of liberation from unwanted influences

Such a card allows the magician to effectively build his functioning on the path to his goal - complete self-realization and liberation

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The Weight Of A Thousand Suns
by Kevin Junior Ojang Ojong

Laying awake in the early hours of the morning and I can’t help but wonder of things I know to be true and right and good. Or do I really know? Cogito, ergo sum _ I think, therefore I am, or so it goes.

For when my thoughts wake in the place where dreams and sleep collide, my questions are eternal and the void never-ending. Yes, I would give my right eye like the All-father to drink from wisdom’s well.

I think about time and chaos and existence and I have more questions and no answers.

For did time exist before the word itself or was it born from chaos as it is said all things were.

Every star we see in the night sky is centuries old, it’s light just a ghost of a flame that burnt hundreds of years ago.


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The process of creation
by Michael Rufman

For a magician, the world is not just one at the core of its existence, it is a process, a flow in which its individual parts continuously and consistently acquire independent existence and also dissolve again in its integrity. For a magician, the world is not an object, but a process, just as he himself is a process, a flow of being/awareness

We continuously and endlessly create ourselves and the world with our consciousness, and this does not mean that the world is just an illusion, it means that the existence of the world and its awareness are two sides of a single, essentially, process

Only that which is realized exists, and the process of awareness itself is identical to the process of creation. Awareness from this point of view is the selection from an infinite potential, homogeneous and indistinguishable field of possibilities of a specific manifestation, and the transfer of this manifestation from the area of ​​possibilities to the area of ​​concrete actions and interactions

Expansion of the spectrum of interpenetration of being and awareness, their integration and mutual realization can occur from two sides - from the side of awareness and from the side of being, which is reflected in two global currents of development - Eastern and Western

For a magician, the ideas of the interdependence of the world are specific indications on the Path of his development. A magician is a flow among flows, a glance among glances, a process among processes. And his self-identification and self-realization is a simultaneously ongoing psychocosmic and macrocosmic process, the path of formation and self-knowledge of the universality of reality, which is higher than the very idea of ​​reality

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