Mercury M

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A Puddle

A puddle
Created by the condensation of their drinks dripping onto the bar
Chemistry and conversation
Intense and exciting
Wiped away by a napkin after last call
To be reproduced on another night, and then another

A puddle
Begged for in the heat of the moment
Salt and spit
Viscous and wet
Mostly swallowed, some dripping down her chin
A stain on an unwashed, white sheet the next morning

A puddle
Held in until hope ran out
Tears and unanswered texts
Anxious and dejected
Settling on freckled cheeks below bloodshot eyes
Taking a warm washcloth to her face she wipes it away, ready to move on

Never meant to become solid
Their relationship flowed through the cracks between her fingers
A connection left to liquify
In a puddle
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