Agonizing anticipation
Just waiting and longing
Tantalizing and mesmerizing
Why must you keep me waiting?
Teasing and empty promises of pleasing
I'm dying!
Yes, I'm dying of thirst
Quench me! I'm impatiently waiting for that sweet taste of nectar
Soft, wet and, oh, so delicious
No, no, not this time
the graze of your arm,
with intention and love,
woven into a subtle kiss on my shoulder with every stride—
side by side.
Your smile—
how gentle!
Gleaming brighter than the sun.
Warming my heart far greater than heat on my skin in the midst of Tennessee summer.
Between Juliet and me
Devotion thrived . . .
We stayed all day and all night
In dark, hidden places, picking watercress for the moon
Together we lived, Juliet and I,
Among worm woods
Friendly gardens
Doing silly things,
I'm waiting for the man I hope to wed.
I've never seen him - that's the funny part.
I promised I would wear a rose of red,
Pinned on my coat above my fluttered heart,
So that he'd know me - a precaution wise,
Because I wrote him I was twenty-three,
And Oh such heaps and heaps of silly lies. . .
So when we meet what will he think of me?
The smell of incense was heavy
And guarded the dingy room well.
Time passed slowly like the stifling breath of Yuletide
They were hiding from — the two lovers of Venice —
A woman with dark, luxuriant hair
And a man with a running nose.
Scent-leaf from Africa
Roasted over the fireplace with a tangible fragrance.
A lone candle burned and crackled,
Its tallow dripping profusely with crusts of romance —
She’s one lonely soul with occasional
Nosebleed, all from the sea-salt of distant
Waves, charmed to weariness by breezes powerful enough
To unfurl umbrellas rolled behind Grandfather’s clock.
She combs her lofty hair seawards, with particles, flimsy and
Delicately grey, tiny and microscopic, storming the sea in their looseness.
She hopes to borrow the strength of the waves
And attract her wayward husband’s lost attention imprisoned
By the west and south seas.
Her letters, before they reach him on the fragrant sails
Will you sit in in the dim, sleeplessness with me, with our circadian rhythms in sync?
As the warm-toned lamp paints behind printed stories— coated blonde on cream.
Tired yet upright, side by side, until we start to dream. Then hand in hand, wrapped from behind, bound in comfort and security.
Together, could we gaze upon every set that the sun will stream?
Where we dissolve into merely breaths and heartbeats.
From the gravel or grass or dirt beneath our feet, to the tallest skyscraper roof in any city.
Will you rise to each dawn's break and wake endlessly next to me?
So in sync, wirelessly, effortlessly, naturally.
66 books lay between us.
Innocent love— it's all that I want.
Fingers interlaced; shoulder to shoulder.
Our feet propped up on the living room sofa.
Ask for permission.
Prioritize your own health.
Be honest. Be ambitious.
Care for strangers— gently relentless.
Agonizing anticipation
Just waiting and longing
Tantalizing and mesmerizing
Why must you keep me waiting?
Teasing and empty promises of pleasing
I'm dying!
Yes, I'm dying of thirst
Quench me! I'm impatiently waiting for that sweet taste of nectar
Soft, wet and, oh, so delicious
No, no, not this time
the graze of your arm,
with intention and love,
woven into a subtle kiss on my shoulder with every stride—
side by side.
Your smile—
how gentle!
Gleaming brighter than the sun.
Warming my heart far greater than heat on my skin in the midst of Tennessee summer.