Marie sponte

august,13, 1989
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You’ve always been there
And each moment i'm with you it gets harder to stay away from
Your golden brown eyes and those dimples when you smile
As we grow older it becomes more and more painful to not be with you
It feels like you have me in a chokehold
Your grip keeps getting tighter, please let go
I began to see you in all the old jeeps driving by
I’ve always loved you but I know i’ll never get to have you
Yet still in the very bottom of my crumpled, messed up heart
There's a tiny flicker of hope
And within that small flicker there's a world of possibilities
Where my imagination takes over and i'm there with you
Sitting in the passenger seat of that old gray jeep
Singing to 90s country with my hand in yours
This is where I go when the world has stopped.
And all I have left is the painful memory of you
Burned into my head forever
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