Al G

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It runs in my family
I thought I was lucky
That the gene had skipped me
It turns out I was wrong
It’s not a substance I can’t give up
It’s you I am addicted to

Years went by
And the need was barely there
I thought I was done
That I was in the clear
But I found you again
And that feeling is back
The weight heavy on my heart
I feel it with every breath
Thoughts of you are never far
I dream of touching you
Just once more

But it’s more complicated now
There are so many others
Tangled in our web
It wouldn’t be insignificant
The disaster we could spread
So I’ll keep you hidden
Behind the walls of my heart
But what can come of this?

I don’t think I care
I just want you
Any way I can have you
Even if it’s from afar
In stolen moments and messages
The desire
Encoded in the lyrics of a song
I just need a little bit
To calm the fire

But I fear the more I have of you
The more of you I will want
It is a nagging thought
I try to ignore
But the truth is
I know it will happen
One day I will want more
Because you are my drug
And I come from a long line of addicts
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