Kaylee Wilson

May 26, 2006 - Jacksonville
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It doesn’t take much

One sad song
one not even meant to be sad
One bittersweet moment
one not meant to linger
One small fragment of a feeling
one that I meant to let go

I don’t want to keep it
I never looked for it
I never sought it out
it doesn’t care
I do everything I can to avoid it
it doesn’t care
T.v, music, books
it doesn’t care

Hours of nothing
Just to make it leave
if only for a moment
I avoid, distract, ignore
Hoping that if I can make it feel forgotten it will be
that it will leave

It doesn’t care
it doesn’t go away
Instead it creeps closer
it touches my chest
And sinks deeper

That’s where it stays

So heavy that I can’t feel anything else
can’t focus on what I know is there but can’t find

My mind doesn’t understand it
Doesn’t understand how it can affect everything
Keep my eyes from seeing everything else
everything that’s important
and should feel that way
Doesn’t understand how it can change what I remember
add a lens through which I can only see it where it wasn’t before

It wasn’t always there
was it?

All the while it hasn’t made a sound
it doesn’t need to make a noise
for it to be so loud that it’s all I can hear
It doesn’t take much
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