Mental health Poems

Popular Mental health Poems
19. War Is(n't) Over
by Kea Campbell

I'm proud of you for winning your silent battles,
The toughest decisions that you keep from prattle.
Clap for every single day you refrain from incisions,
Clap for every single time you say 'no' to addictions.
Whatever it is, you deserve the recognition,
The choice to get up, keep going, fulfilling envisions.

I'm proud of me for still holding the towel,
I never threw it in, instead, in I put dowels.
I wouldn't've made it to today if it weren't for my friends,


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75. Surviving
by Kea Campbell

Dinners should be a luxury in concerted cultivation households,
But it was the worst part of each day because of your praise-seeking tolls.
Sure, you fed my stomach and sought to found generations of culinary tradition,
But little do you realize that you fostered my appetite's detrimental addictions.

The dining room was a reformatory and I dreaded the table's restraints.
They left scars all over my psyche as you told me I couldn't leave until I finished my plate.
The taste began to dull but you commanded me not to be wasteful.
The culture of gluttony is under-stigmatized, and the conditioning of over-satiety is disgraceful.


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Blank - Shot
by Divyosmi Goswami

Have you lost your way
Trodding across the fumes of frost?
Or it is fashion to arrive unannounced,
From across the foggy horizon.

But now that you have arrived,
Take refuge behind that lone palm tree.
And look on at the person,
Fluttering like a fish out of pond at the corner.


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65. Chronology's Replica
by Kea Campbell

When I was younger, I feared mirrors and darkness.
I feared the characters from horror films and the mutations they could harness.
I kept my head above the covers so I could witness my fated farewell.
Yet all I ever saw was the refute of my imagination’s creatures from hell.

We met during the race, and I slowed my pace to talk.
But running turned to walking, and we both reached a halt.
We regressed and recurred back to classical autonomy.
The Devil won this stretch, and I’m at a loss in my spiritual odyssey.


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56. Adversity Anniversaries
by Kea Campbell

Loving had never made me feel so lonely, and living never made me feel so lifeless. 
Patience was scarce and I was desperate for rest, and the only peace I found was in romanticizing my death.  
Hate was addictive, but only towards myself, because I bought into the beauty standards that society sells. 
At 10 I didn't know that it was rape and not love, because I believed what he told me until he hurt me for fun. 
12 and I hoped that my heart surgery would fail, because at least it'd get me out of writing fair wells. 
14 and I wondered “What if infanticide would have won?” or “What if my parents had never given me up?” 
16 and my wrists were an escape from the numb, and the only things I believed in were my sports and bulimia. 
18 and my stories grew older and untold, because no one had time to be friends with broken souls.  
19 and 1 month and I feel most alive; now I know how to live, and not just survive. 


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Recent Mental health Poems
77. ADHD
by Kea Campbell

I turn on the shower and my thoughts quiet to a whisper.
I start to undress as I ease my brain's exert.
My eyes avoid the mirror and I step into the tub.
My mind starts to wonder while reality falls out of touch.

I try to clear my head and focus on being present.
I re-feel shame for granting permission after his ceaseless exhortation.
My musings recall his unwanted hands on my skin.
My body stiffens in distress and the trauma floods right back in.


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75. Surviving
by Kea Campbell

Dinners should be a luxury in concerted cultivation households,
But it was the worst part of each day because of your praise-seeking tolls.
Sure, you fed my stomach and sought to found generations of culinary tradition,
But little do you realize that you fostered my appetite's detrimental addictions.

The dining room was a reformatory and I dreaded the table's restraints.
They left scars all over my psyche as you told me I couldn't leave until I finished my plate.
The taste began to dull but you commanded me not to be wasteful.
The culture of gluttony is under-stigmatized, and the conditioning of over-satiety is disgraceful.


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68. I Think I'm In Love
by Kea Campbell

I’m in love with you.

I'm in love with the mornings I'd wake up with you.
And, although my circadian rhythm would have me up in the early morning and yours could have you sleeping into the late afternoon, often you’d choose to get up too.
At dawn we'd watch the sun rise over the mountain peaks somewhere in the Smokies, steaming coffee in hand; three packs of sweetener for me and two for you.

I'm in love with the evening walks on the beach.
You would naturally speed up the pace and I would explain that if you took it slow, you'll notice the little things.
You'd notice how this ocean is lighter than all the others we've seen before, and so the sun reflects off of it, giving it a beautiful glowing feature.
You'd notice how the scents from the coastline restaurants and the sea collaborate in perfect harmony.


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67. Chemical Warfare
by Kea Campbell

The slightest inconveniences for you, influence your attempted defamations,
And they leave me defenseless against a grudging exasperation, accompanied with self-deprecation.   

I lie here, wondering what peace actually feels like,
Because I've acquired familiar lonesome, daydreams of my death, and the infamous bright light.   

Enjoying life is tough, and perhaps I have a lifetime left to live,
However, the enjoying part is rough because I can't enjoy anything demanding my mental health expense.  

Moderation is out of reach, and my priorities are out of line;


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65. Chronology's Replica
by Kea Campbell

When I was younger, I feared mirrors and darkness.
I feared the characters from horror films and the mutations they could harness.
I kept my head above the covers so I could witness my fated farewell.
Yet all I ever saw was the refute of my imagination’s creatures from hell.

We met during the race, and I slowed my pace to talk.
But running turned to walking, and we both reached a halt.
We regressed and recurred back to classical autonomy.
The Devil won this stretch, and I’m at a loss in my spiritual odyssey.


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