Kathleen Johnson-Breakfie

Stockton, CA, USA

Desert War

War means destruction and death,
the world turned upside down in a mess,
operation Desert Shield has become
Desert Storm,
air defense, taking form,
ground forces checking their guns,
to all who know, WAR is no fun. President Bush gives Saddam his
Scutmissiles, Patriots, fire works
and Fighter bombers,
P.O.W.S. interrogated, paraded,
threatened as human shields,
sorrow sadness their families must feel,
some say Saddam Hussein, is really Saddam Insane,
the treatment of P.O.W.S is a crime,
Saddam feeds United States a line. Patriotism, togetherness,
long live the RED, WHITE, and BLUE,
FREEDOM for all is well over due,
Desert Shield, Desert Storm, America at war.
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