Jo Covlin Engesether

Portland, Oregon

The Fall Of President Kennedy (November 22,1963) I'M Free

Today a Nation paused to mourn the fate
Of President Kennedy, our former Chief of State.
All over the nation on TV the people followed along
The funeral parade that ended in Arlington.
Yet but a short time ago he laughed and talked
And enjoyed nature's beauty as he walked. He was Chief of State, husband of a loving wife,
Filled with love for family and so full of life.
In a moment-- one flicker--and his life was o'er
Never to be our president any more.
What cruel fate dealt such a blow?
What anguish and sorrow his wife must know? The wheels of the country paused to bury our President:
And a day in mourning by the citizens was spent
Each throughout the land in his own way
Solemnly paused to reflect, and perhaps to pray.
But tomorrow all the wheels again will turn:
The world will forget, though his family mourn. And as we mediate o'er this great grief and sorrow
We learn that every yesterday dawns into a new tomorrow.
"Tis in the passing of time lies life's great mystery:
Today so important--tomorrow only history.
Strange is the truth that we must face:
There's none so important that someone else can't replace.
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