Jeffrey Pipes Guice

New Orleans
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That Magical Moment

Her eyes sparkle like blue diamonds...
Her lips are rose bud red...
Her smile can bring me to my knees...
Thoughts of her always stay in my head...

I remember the day I met her...
Her manner was reserved and demure...
The more I tried to make eye contact...
The more she would glance towards the floor...

I think there was a slight moment...
That I witnessed her steal a quick glance...
Even if this thought was only in my mind...
I chose the opportunity to make my advance...

I moved quickly across the room...
To introduce myself as a new friend...
And never once, not even for a moment...
To be more than my initial intend...

But the more we spent time together...
And after the night of the Comus Ball...
All of a sudden, in a magical moment...
I felt myself beginning to fall...

It was into my arms she would cuddle...
As the stars sparkled bright in the skies...
It was at this magical moment...
I realized I had captured her eyes...

As our kisses became more full with passion...
That our togetherness began to show...
It was at this magical moment...
Our feelings began to grow...

As we celebrated our one year anniversary...
And we make future plans together as one...
It’s as if this magical journey...
Was destined to have finally begun...

I feel blessed that you’ve entered my life...
And for joining me now and hereafter...
This magical journey we will embark together...
Full of excitement, love and laughter...

© 2021 Jeffrey Pipes Guice
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