Jeffrey Pipes Guice

New Orleans
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It’s Time To Stop

Driving down the deserted highway...
Feeling depressed and very lonely...
Thinking about the family that ignores me...
Believing that I’m the one and only...

The holiday season can be hard...
For some, it’s the bluest time of the year...
To be away from your loved ones...
I wish someone would lend an ear...

It’s Christmas time and I’m driving...
Down the road to get yet another drink...
I wish my loved ones were around me...
Negative thoughts are all I can think...

As I spiral downward in my thoughts...
I glance up into the dark sky...
Without realizing what’s actually happening...
A team of reindeer quickly fly by...

There’s Dancer, and Prancer and Dixon...
And Rudolph is leading the team...
Maybe it’s time I put down the bottle...
Is this real or is it just a boozy dream...

I recall this has happened before...
When I had three or four too many...
I often see things so unbelievable...
But lately it’s been happening a plenty...

I know I say this so often...
But maybe, finally, this will be the year...
To throw away my alcoholic cravings...
To give up on my sad, boozy cheer...

Am I ready for the gift of sobriety...
To reclaim my wonderful life...
To return to my loving family...
Into the arms of my beautiful wife...

They often said they would take me back...
Once I gave up my drunken ways...
Please God, give me the strength...
To return to the good old days...

So instead of driving to the next bar...
And drowning my sorrows while alone...
I’m gonna turn this car right around...
Heading back to my family and home...

I hope my family will keep their promise...
And accept me after this recent fall...
Maybe your family will accept you as well...
We’ll never know until we make the call...

© 2021 Jeffrey Pipes Guice
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