James L. Ferguson

Jamaica, West Indies

A Dear Love

What is life? She said, and smiled,
As she walked down that lonely road,
I am tired, but I wish to stay awhile
Dear God, please ease the heavy load.
I am frail and wracked with pain,
The price to pay for having lived,
On this treacherous earth I still call home
Oh Christ, must I bear it alone.
She cried out loud but no one heard
No answer came to ease the hurt,
Alone at night from her silent bed
No life to hold to that empty breast,
That had suckled her children thourgh the years
And gave them solace to ease their tears.
My ruin, she said, was to have lived
My everlasting sin to pass this way,
It would have been better if I had died,
Than lived my own torture everyday.
She looks through her window at the green grass
And at the tree with white petals drooping from its limbs
She cries out in anger "When Will It Pass"
Yet no answer comes as the light dims.
"Why, why me" she said, what have I done?
Did I not give all under the sun,
That could be given from this human flesh
Am I to be repaid only with death.
Merciful Father please give me a sign
To show me that all this has not been in vain
And when I am placed in your good earth to lie
My spirit will soar to Heaven and there remain.
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