Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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Red Rover

I was an essential nature photographer, very deeply immersed in my work,
Exploring leafy, wild green mansions, in the sunlit halls where beauty lurks.

I had always enjoyed natural pursuits, like minty trees reach for blue skies,
Enjoying the caress of amber sunshine, in the hours of magenta butterflies.

I loved capturing beauty all about me, from seemingly endless abundance,
Ranging from capped mountains, to still valleys, in unrestrained indulgence.

I took my camera everywhere I went, so I'd never miss a perfect moment,
Like the fuchsia sunrise moments, when sun and moon become opponents.

But always, always, I was striving, for a gorgeous, unique and perfect shot,
As spicy blooms are at their loveliest, once they have found a perfect spot.

I resided in a memorable, old house, in posh, star jasmine days of summer,
When a frenzy of euphoric hours, were balanced by nights quiet and somber.

I had photographed sunrises and sunsets, waterfalls, mountains, and trees,
Flowers, birds, exotic animals and canyons, just to create sweet memories!

Sometimes I photographed friends or family members, in natural settings,
Such as with the fleeting rainbow, whose departure we are soon regretting.

Summertime was caught up in daydreams, in its luxury kingdom of colors,
And if you strolled down any saffron street, you could chance upon lovers.

I was out taking pictures one teal blue day, and I had labored many hours.
Then torrid sun turned berry red, so I strived to capture its smoky powers.

But, by the time my camera was ready, the sun was in a different location,
To my great surprise and bewilderment, this sudden change in destination!

So, I quickly took my photograph, but by the time the camera had clicked,
A crimson sun was back where it belonged, and had my eyes been tricked?

It happened a few times more, for it seemed I was seeing beautiful things,
Like a young lady who has dreamt for years, finally getting a diamond ring.

It reminded me of the childhood game, that we referred to as 'Red Rover,'
For since we smile to greet the sun, it seemed so natural that it came over!

In the long ago, sun-drenched summertime, shortly before we went to bed,
A crowd of of us kids played 'Red Rover,' near the building called, 'Big Red.'

Since that magical evening, I've developed a passion for burning sunsets,
When with ruby skies it duets-like the moonlit nighttime loves silhouettes!

And I achieved my lifelong dream, of a beautiful, unique and perfect photo,
In the image of a red, wandering sun, after a golden day, gone by so slow!
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