Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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Jumping for Joy

For years I was a trained gymnast, and I'd competed in the Olympics,
Before my leg was injured in a car accident, among fate's cruel tricks.

I had photographs and memories, of my glory days on the trampoline,
As summer manages to keep recalling, the gold hours of sunlit sheen.

My leg had not mended enough, for me to resume my great passion;
And it might not ever again be, reliable performing strenuous action.

I tried not to be too despondent, over the potential loss of my dream,
As sleepers rise at blush of dawn, sans memory of pearly moonbeams.

My friends and family were supportive, and all tried to give me hope,
Like the nighttime without pale stars, might not be adequate to cope.

I still had physical therapy sessions, and was able to walk once more,
Like the steady march of time, in footsteps echoing across life's floor.

And I was doing the best I could, just living busy life from day to day,
As a bird watcher goes from tree to tree, and rosy starling to blue jay.

We were in wild days of summer, when meadow blooms did a shimmy,
The way it's often easy to do, when you are lithe, graceful and skinny!

I was out walking that day, down the green lusty streets of the season.
And kids were bouncing big bright balls, laughing for no special reason.

Then I was suddenly mesmerized, by the colorful up and down motions,
Recalling that promising bright career, like a shop full of pretty notions.

The street led me to a beautiful park, which I entered at the green door,
Like going to a place you have never been, but feel you've been before!

Natural beauty that moment engulfed me, slightly like being lost in love,
Or taking some pleasant detour, instead of a path you felt you should've.

Then I took a winding emerald lane, which was lined with sweet blooms,
Like the silver lining of a cloud, when the moon has just started to brood.

Bounding grasshoppers became visible, in a spectacle of green on green;
And the beautiful sight arrested my eye, reminding me of my old dream.

Then a boy walked by yoyoing, and he even allowed the toy to hesitate;
And it appeared to be enactment of my life, signifying the Fates' debate.

Like bronze sun, wind, sea and clouds, ever debating capricious weather,
As nature ponders individually, the myriad hues of the birds of a feather.

As my leg was growing tired, I soon eased onto a bench and took a rest,
And saw a bunny hopping, who knows where, like night in mystery blest.

Seeing all these up and down motions, it was becoming quite clear to me,
That if I fought harder and hopefully, my dream could yet become reality!

Zestful life has so much to teach us, when we're willing to look and listen,
As an orange sun ventures forth each dawn, with many bright ambitions!

The skies were turning red gold and purple, for the sun was going down,
Just as full pearly moon was arising, in beautiful twilight wedding gown.

Yes, nature had this final remark, in vibrant hues at close of bronzed day,
And my comeback was as dramatic, as premiere spring blooms on display!
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