Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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Far Rockaway

Though little Suzie was wild about horses, she was too young to ride,
At just five golden years old. Like summer faded, where nature sighed.

Playful Suzie longed to visit Banbury Cross, a place she had not been.
Her older siblings told exciting tales of it, like spring, alive with green!

For Little Suzie's birthday, her parents had given her a rocking horse;
And it was a prized possession, which she played with daily, of course.

As today came closer to someday, she'd visit countless places far away.
Her favorite, of course, was Banbury Cross. She trailed pretty blue jay.

Friends Sadie and Fannie often called, since their parents were friends;
And they lived on a neighboring fruit farm, like spicy, fragrance blends.

Fruit tarts and fudge were the usual fare, when far-flung family called,
Fetching stories or fond memories, like the honey sun, night appalled.

Suzie lived in the house of vivid dreams, of rosy sleep and idle hours;
Where mauve haze often shrouded, the color blind, rich purple flowers.

Sunrises and sunsets were deepest coral, on the starry, street nearby,
So broad, and often swamped with travelers, like pink comets going by.

Native fuchsia was naturally abloom, as neighbors to the north, visited;
With tales from nearby and the nation, as blue, diamond moon pivoted.

Scarlet bleeding hearts, wept sunshine tears, as selfheal cured patients;
While 'gale of the wind' plants sheltered, and impatiens felt impatience.

Lady's bedstraw added comfort to Wild Lily's bed, like stars upon clouds,
When 'viper's bugloss' watched time crawl, and ivy took strange routes.

In the dream days, Suzie rocked time away, ever going to Banbury Cross;
'Til the hour her dream came true, at May Day festivities, in noon's gloss!

With all the family in a horse drawn carriage, Little Suzie was so excited!
There would be games, food and sweets, like masses of laughter, united.

On that lemon meringue day of sun and clouds, happiness was the theme,
Yet, the peak of Little Suzie's delight, came at seeing the May Day queen.

Fascinated and wide-eyed Suzie stared, at the pretty lady on a fine horse,
Stylishly attired, and making wild music, like violet thunder, on its course.

Piquant, mad music filled the air! 'Twas ringing bells, mixed with birdsong;
Like many gathered flamingos mincing, a dance of reddish skies prolonged!

'Ride a cockhorse to Banbury Cross,
To see a fine lady upon a white horse;
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,
She shall have music wherever she goes.'
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