Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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A Monumental Disaster

The beautiful days were here again, as sunshine lit blue skies,
And I was happy with my work, which had seldom held surprise.

My job entailed overseeing, the raising of national monuments,
So that all could remember, a gilded past's glorious moments!

Today we were raising a statue, of one beloved national hero.
This caused media and fanfare, like sighting a sunset rainbow.

The crowds came out to watch, but were kept at a safe distance,
As the statue was very tall, in memory of a giant's existence!

My crew and I got to work, and the flatbed truck neared the site;
As the crowd cheered their elation, it seemed that all was right.

But making a small turn, the statue wobbled and a cable snapped.
Workers raced as the statue fell, although chained and strapped!

The crowd gave amazed gasps, and news reporters all went wild,
And my career flashed before my eyes, where fortune once smiled.

But first I'd breathed thanks, that not one person had been hit,
As a gardener gives thanks for rain, as greenness comes from it.

The police controlled the crowd, while we assessed the damage,
And soon it became apparent, that the monument had been ravaged!

For the statue itself was stone, and it had hit the stone ground;
And the head was in three pieces, as day with fading sun crowned.

Then people began to drift away, as there was nothing more to see,
Like the eager waves that crash the shore, and drift back to sea.

The statue was hoisted back onto the truck, and then driven away,
Making a most unfavorable end, to a promising and golden midday.

The disaster dominated all news by day, and dreams ruled my nights.
Nightly I dreamt of monuments, as I was haunted by unhappy plight!

The first night I was whisked away, to mysterious Easter Island,
Land of nearly a thousand statues, a past preserved like diamonds!

I awoke in admiration and wonder, at such a marvel being built,
As many trees grow from a tiny seed, when the summer sun is gilt.

Next night I saw the Eiffel Tower, in the jeweled City of Lights,
For guilt was causing me to dream, and haunt world famous sights.

Like the haunting of the raindrops, after thunderstorm has passed,
With an appearance of the rainbow, always beautiful and unforecast!

When next I became lost in dreams, I found the Statue of Liberty,
A powerful symbol of hope, to those left in misery and captivity.

These dreams seemed so real, as through starry nights I wandered,
As the sun will keep returning, until darkness has been conquered.

On the next night's adventure, I saw the great Pyramids of Egypt,
In the pale lavender evening, before its scarlet sun had dipped!

My agony had become lessened, and alternatively I was so inspired.
Despite my career's greatest failure, my enthusiasm was now fired.

Lastly I dreamed of Rodina-Mat'zoyvot, or The Motherland Calls,
The world's highest statue, at two hundred seventy nine feet tall!

No more of these dreams did I have, but I however still had a job,
And the repaired statue was installed, before a wildly cheering mob.

For my dreams had given me a passion, after failure to try it again,
As the fine outcome it is certain, was worth all consequential pain.

From far from near people have come, to see a triumph of greatness,
Elegantly towering so very high, and so inspirational yet ageless!
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