Inspiration Poems

Popular Inspiration Poems
My Earthly Heart - Alexis karpouzos
by alexis karpouzos

Love, aren’t you the one who lights soul’s fire?
My earthly heart gets cold
but I sustain the shivers boldly.
My head knocks against the stars.
My feet are on the hilltops.
My finger-tips are in the valleys
and shores of universal life
and play with pebbles of destiny.

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Infinite worlds - Alexis karpouzos
by alexis karpouzos

In the cosmic dance of swirling lights,
Where stars are born and darkness fights,
The universe whispers secrets old,
In silver threads and dust of gold.

Galaxies twirl in elegant grace,
Each a part of the endless space,
Planets orbit in silent tunes,
Around their suns, like drifting balloons.


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Don'T Quit
by Edgar Albert Guest

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
when the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
when the funds are low and the debts are high,
and you want to smile but you have to sigh,
when care is pressing you down a bit - rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns.
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a fellow turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow - you may succeed with another blow.


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too many times
by George Velinoff

Too many times now I look up from this cushion
inventing new rules in search of escape
But too many times now I avert execution
convincing myself this blackness I see is a drape

Too many times now I get off at this alley
mending my want keeping restless my bones
but too many times now I sense a tread by me
only to turn back reminding to be left alone..


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Almighty Father God's Blessings
by Emma Martinez

Almighty God's blessings, love so real feel, his spirit swell
in my soul. Today I feel as never before ....the soreness from longing
filled with joy! Joy to give him divinely honors righteously bestowed
listen sisters and brothers! The word honor needs to be honors;
when I feel inspiration to write, such inspiration with all my heart
soul & might! The love that I feel is so genuinely real,
that his spirit fulfills my grateful soul. Almighty God you have
quenched my thirst .... how my spirit bursts with eternal gratitude.

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Recent Inspiration Poems
by Shawn Hastings

It pains my soul
When one takes their life
A perminent solution
To their struggles and strife

They have no answers
Have no hope
To ease their pain
And be able to cope


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Arthur Nelson was a curious, studious fellow, like pearly moon glowing,
Ten years old and spectacled, for all is adventure, when you're growing.

Arthur lived in a one story home, with his brothers and their parents;
And also their huge, green turtle, a pet that everyone called, Clarence.

Arthur liked watching ants work avidly, like honeybees' sweet industry;
Or the frogs' lilypad, evening chorus, near the rainbow eucalyptus tree.

Fat, fluffy clouds free floated afar, when friends called upon fiery noon;


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The secret of heart - Alexis karpouzos
by alexis karpouzos

In the quiet chambers, where the soul resides, There lies a sacred wisdom, where true knowledge hides. Beyond the realms of logic, beyond the mind's vast art, There blooms a deeper knowing, the knowledge of the heart.

It whispers in the silence, in the spaces in between, In moments soft and tender, in visions deeply seen. It's felt in every heartbeat, in the rhythm of life's song, A truth that's pure and timeless, where hearts forever long.

This knowledge needs no language, no words to understand, It's written in the actions, in the touch of a loving hand. It sees beyond the surface, to the essence deep inside, A bridge that spans the distance, where souls can safely hide.

For in the heart's own knowing, there's a wisdom vast and true, A guide through all the shadows, a light in every hue. It teaches us compassion, to see with loving eyes, The beauty in each moment, where grace and wonder lie.

So trust the heart's own wisdom, let its knowledge be your guide, In every step you take, in every tear you've cried. For in the heart's own keeping, there's a wisdom pure and bright, A path to deeper meaning, where day transforms to night.

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The knowledge of the heart - Alexis karpouzos
by alexis karpouzos

In the quiet chambers, where the soul resides, There lies a sacred wisdom, where true knowledge hides. Beyond the realms of logic, beyond the mind's vast art, There blooms a deeper knowing, the knowledge of the heart.

It whispers in the silence, in the spaces in between, In moments soft and tender, in visions deeply seen. It's felt in every heartbeat, in the rhythm of life's song, A truth that's pure and timeless, where hearts forever long.

This knowledge needs no language, no words to understand, It's written in the actions, in the touch of a loving hand. It sees beyond the surface, to the essence deep inside, A bridge that spans the distance, where souls can safely hide.

For in the heart's own knowing, there's a wisdom vast and true, A guide through all the shadows, a light in every hue. It teaches us compassion, to see with loving eyes, The beauty in each moment, where grace and wonder lie.

So trust the heart's own wisdom, let its knowledge be your guide, In every step you take, in every tear you've cried. For in the heart's own keeping, there's a wisdom pure and bright, A path to deeper meaning, where day transforms to night.

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We are lost without a cause Father
by Aldo Kraas

We are lost without a cause
We had bought some lottery tickets
And we also won the lottery
We don't need all the money for
Our selves
We need to pay some bills
The rest of the money
We will give to a charity
So that they can use the money


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