Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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A Magical Tune

Sunflower Meadows was a place of mystical beauty, green and abloom.
That's where seven-year-old Ava lived, like laughter and spicy perfume.

Ava lived with her parents and three siblings, like stars dance together;
And she loved golden, nursery rhymes, like sunshine, carnival pleasure.

Their farm was small but busy, and all of the family had sundry chores.
Ava collected eggs and fed poultry, eating and picking berries, outdoors.

Faint flurries of wind cooled afternoon, and family came, in floppy hats;
Like the fortunate, flattered feeling, of knowing you're loved-like lilacs!

Ava lived in a house of wonder, in the land precious time had passed by;
Where anything was possible when children believed. Rainbow lullabies!

Rambling ravens alit on emerald trees, on a road of rose remembrance,
Running wild at the farm house's rear, with the lingering scent presence.

Never negligent neighbors brought nosegays, in dusks of jeweled gain;
And on porches, noticed nature-on moonlit nights, of nightingale refrain.

'Scarce rare phantom' petunias appeared, when summer came, dreaming,
During gold days and mulberry nights, of 'shark tooth' pagodas, gleaming.

Teal sky raised amazed rainbow brows, at beautiful, 'mednilla magnifica,'
And 'clown epiphyllum' blooms wore showy colors, over rich, green vistas.

One day, as buttery skies turned red-purple, the family sat on the porch;
They gazed at cows grazing in grass, and at the pretty scenery, scorched.

A neighbor joined them on this evening, talking of novels and nut bread;
And their dog and cat ran playing, as the rest ate a snack, in fading red.

Ava had been practicing on her violin, which she found difficult and boring;
And she'd lain the hated instrument aside, as a creamy moon, kept adoing.

Ava suddenly heard strains of divine music, streaming from her own violin.
The cat was now playing a sweet melody, as if such like had forever been!

Everyone gaped in wonder and delight, as if somehow in a pleasant trance;
And under starry, June skies, on that magic night, they all started to dance!

When the music finally died down, they all felt the fun had ended too soon;
Until the moment, all marveled to see, a certain cow jump over the moon!

Suddenly, there was uproarious laughter from the dog! All loudly joined in;
Its volume increasing, as dish and spoon eloped, like starlight on a mission!

Ava loved her violin after that, for it'd given the gift of nursery rhyme magic;
And as the mystic beauty of music's a gift, not reveling in it, would be tragic!

'Hey diddle diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.'
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