Ella Collins

October 27th, 2005- United Kingdom
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Eat Me

A wonderful adventure calls and captivates me,
exhilarating- or so it seems.
Following that estranged rabbit down a tenebrous hole,
where others would be but off:
calamitous dark uncertainty, yet I am only able to focus
on the rabbit's light satiny fur.

Following, falling deeper and deeper with only myself
to blame. Strangely solacing,
my head hit the checkered floor- i’d fallen and could
fall no deeper.
A cookie appears before me, seemingly in forbidden nature,
still the mellow icing incites my insatiable desire.
‘Eat Me’

Dozens of doors spiralling around me.
The harshness of the largest, Buloke wood.
The sombreness of the trapdoor, Willow wood.
The instability of the smallest, Balsa wood.
Objectively unappealing; I find them so inviting,
Eager to discover their insides.

I see a whimsical adventure, others see iniquity,
I used to think my wonderland perspective was a blessing,
now I know it as a curse.
Tell me every terrible thing you have done and let me love you anyway.
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