Eabha MacDhughaill

October 19, 1990 - UK
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Sleeping Beauty

All you wolves in shining armor
Come and slake your thirsts
Come and take a tasty morsel
All laid out and placid
Overflowing with sweetness
With acceptance
No objections can be had
From lips soft and slack
With trusting rest
No trouble in these waters
Hardly a ripple mars the surface
What can be feigned in such a state
No cries, screams, or kissing back
What lies can be told as a vessel
Filled up to overflowing
Growing and growing
Until one day life awakens
And she comes up to the surface

What happens after the epic tale
Of quiet, gentle force
Applied to an immobile object

How can happy ever be after
When nothing was said
Agreed, or amended
Just taken
And left
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