Loss Poems

Popular Loss Poems
The Battle Of Agincourt
by Michael Drayton

Fair stood the wind for France
When we our sails advance,
Nor now to prove our chance
Longer will tarry;
But putting to the main,
At Caux, the mouth of Seine,
With all his martial train,
Landed King Harry.

And taking many a fort,


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On The Death Of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
by Philip Freneau

Thus, some tall tree that long hath stood
The glory of its native wood,
By storms destroyed, or length of years,
Demands the tribute of our tears.

The pile, that took long time to raise,
To dust returns by slow decays:
But, when its destined years are o'er,
We must regret the loss the more.


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Pondering the MultiVerse
by Taryn G

in another universe
you and I never part.
the sun comes up and we still lay together,
washed with the glow of another day
very much in love.

sometimes knowing this universe exists
and that I will never see it
hurts me in a way I never knew I could be hurt.


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Unstable Dream
by Sir Thomas Wyatt

Unstable dream, according to the place,
Be steadfast once, or else at least be true.
By tasted sweetness make me not to rue
The sudden loss of thy false feignèd grace.
By good respect in such a dangerous case
Thou broughtest not her into this tossing mew
But madest my sprite live, my care to renew,
My body in tempest her succour to embrace.
The body dead, the sprite had his desire,
Painless was th'one, th'other in delight.


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Friendship's Mystery, To My Dearest Lucasia
by Katherine Philips

COme, my Lucasia, since we see
That Miracles Mens faith do move,
By wonder and by prodigy
To the dull angry world let's prove
There's a Religion in our Love.

For though we were design'd t' agree,
That Fate no liberty destroyes,


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Recent Loss Poems
Heart drenched in insanity
by Fathima Valliyangal

You know what, Sherlock?
Love? That’s pathetic
His arms were drenched in her cologne,
the other day,
the smile so nefarious,
conniving yet innocent.
I gave him my heart, you know?
I gave him elusive veins and Sherlock,
what do I get? I am deceived,
as though my eyes are blinded


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Unforgiving past
by Fathima Valliyangal

Night, a solaceful, distant memory
When you left my already-rifted heart
It repeats, this haunting memory,
I try, alright?
I try to forget, I try to move on.
But this memory, it just has to,
repeat itself, over time again,
and I am, but a slave of the past.

The last time you said ‘Goodbye’,


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"The echo of a forgotten name."
by Dylan Wu Rong

The damp air around me smell infuriating,
metallic like the roscoe in my palms,
imprinting every edge and crease,
like a tattoo, but straight to my brain.
Its pathetic- I realize as I see myself,
selfishly wallowing in the sorrow,
jealous of the joy the rest hold close,
am I deserving of the self-pity?
The wind howls out to the seven nations,
resonating painfully clear- those battle cries,


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"The sky forgot its colors."
by Dylan Wu Rong

And the path he left behind,
was as vast the he skies he looked at,
every footprint a cloud- white and soft.
The circle of life- but the line beneath the pen,
never overlaps, nor joins into one.
Regardless of these all-
the times hold a power mighty and strong,
erasing the sand from the deepest nook,
hiding the tree at the plainest look.
It bowed- in respect or despair,


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Of What Used to Be
by Lee-Ann Azzopardi

The days drag into infinity
As solitude grabs my neck
And takes me somewhere unknown
I could fight back, but I don't have the strength
I'm imprisoned with joyous memories
But that's what they are
Little tortures of what used to be
When happiness could be a new heaven
Just me and you that mattered
Now, I see everything painted with blue


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