Men Poems

Popular Men Poems
I Don'T Remember
by Joumana Haddad

I don't remember
that I undressed in daylight
for a man
whose eyes are closed.

I don't remember
that I ran like saliva
and he was an unattainable desire,
that I was ravenous with hunger
and he was an impossible bed,


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The Struggle
by Samson Oloto

They told us to grow
Told us to be men
Responsibilities abound
All you have to meet
We wake up at dawn
Eyes heavy from a lack of sleep
We enter the streets
With millions of people like us
All in a race, and a constant struggle
To meet up with expectations


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Doing Time
by Betsy Sholl

They call me Babe and make a kissing noise
from inside their bars and inside their rage.
Most of them are men, though they act like boys

who've played too hard and broken all their toys.
Now they're trying to break their metal cage.
They yell out Babe, make that loud kissing noise

as if their catcalls mean they have a voice
routines and bells can't break. 'It's just a phase,'


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People Leonard Cohen
by Aldo Kraas

People Leonard Cohen
Lives now in heaven
And there in heaven, he sleeps
At night in his brass bed
During the day Leonard Cohen
Walk in God's gardens
And he collects the apples from the apple trees
And Leonard Gives the apples to God's servant
And the servants make apple pie for Leonard's diner
They know that apple pie is Leonard's favorite dessert


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Roles reversed
by R D

If one day
Women are born stronger than men
The roles will be reversed
And the men will feel like dirt
Cause' they've been usurped
by the women.

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Recent Men Poems
All's Fair in Covert Fuckery
by Frangipani Rhett

Something must be wrong with me
To make me care about a man
Who can't take the time to reply to me
Or simply give a damn

I can only make assumptions
At this point I'm less upset
That he only wanted to fuck me
But too bad for him, I'm not done yet


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People Leonard Cohen
by Aldo Kraas

People Leonard Cohen
Lives now in heaven
And there in heaven, he sleeps
At night in his brass bed
During the day Leonard Cohen
Walk in God's gardens
And he collects the apples from the apple trees
And Leonard Gives the apples to God's servant
And the servants make apple pie for Leonard's diner
They know that apple pie is Leonard's favorite dessert


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What qualities make a 'successful man'.
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

What qualities make a ‘successful man’,
Is it the tambor of his voice,
Some lofty goals, a lifelong plan,
A steering hand, his knowing choice.

Can compassion play a part
Or is that interpreted as meekness;
Is it wrong to show a heart
Without labeling it as weakness?


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real men
by Bogdan Dragos

She told me that women like
men with grizzled,
faces, men with scars
men with eyepatches
men with very unkempt beards
Mouths that snarl
when it’s time to smile
Eyes that are like eggs buried in
a nest of wrinkles


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The Struggle
by Samson Oloto

They told us to grow
Told us to be men
Responsibilities abound
All you have to meet
We wake up at dawn
Eyes heavy from a lack of sleep
We enter the streets
With millions of people like us
All in a race, and a constant struggle
To meet up with expectations


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  • R D
    R D (1 poems about Men)