Daniel Theodore Hyser

York, Pennsylvania

Conformity Dream

How precious and magnificent each one is with originality and splendor,
Isn't it disheartening to feel entrapped today with
the latest sophisticated sensor?
The innocence of youth, the freedom of spirit,
all too quickly consumed by expected conformity!
Wouldn't this short version of life, with open
honesty and integrity be assured tranquility?

To dream is to go beyond reality to another
place without conformity, without restriction or control.
It's a place where faith is beyond limitation,
where pure love may flourish,
where absolution may enter the soul!!
it may be where the most important question is answered,
or where the darkness leads us back to this existence.
slipping in and out of dream state, knowing, feeling,
or forgetting, or another frightening night, due to
the dream's persistence!

The hope God provides is around us, each and every
day or night, in all so many ways,
Wouldn't you and I be better, trying unforeseen
faith at times when the spirit may say?
Anarchy would reign, be it not for conformity,
pleas use the Golden Rule & 10 commandments
as human's hopeful unity!
God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, may we be inspired by
dreams and perceptions, worship and praise thee,
Absolute three,always to be!!!
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