Honesty Poems

Popular Honesty Poems
Jack Honest, Or The Widow And Her Son
by William Topaz McGonagall

Jack Honest was only eight years of age when his father died,
And by the death of his father, Mrs Honest was sorely tried;
And Jack was his father's only joy and pride,
And for honesty Jack couldn't be equalled in the country-side.

So a short time before Jack's father died,
'Twas loud and bitterly for Jack he cried,
And bade him sit down by his bedside,
And then told him to be honest whatever did betide.


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Upon Over-Much Niceness
by John Bunyan

Tis much to see how over nice some are
About the body and household affair,
While what's of worth they slightly pass it by,
Not doing, or doing it slovenly.
Their house must be well furnished, be in print,
Meanwhile their soul lies ley, has no good in't.
Its outside also they must beautify,
When in it there's scarce common honesty.
Their bodies they must have tricked up and trim,
Their inside full of filth up to the brim.


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Conformity Dream
by Daniel Theodore Hyser

How precious and magnificent each one is with originality and splendor,
Isn't it disheartening to feel entrapped today with
the latest sophisticated sensor?
The innocence of youth, the freedom of spirit,
all too quickly consumed by expected conformity!
Wouldn't this short version of life, with open
honesty and integrity be assured tranquility?

To dream is to go beyond reality to another
place without conformity, without restriction or control.


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Desert Stop At Noon
by Dick Davis

The house is one bare room
And only tea is served.
The old man, mild, reserved,
Shuffles into a gloom
Where mattresses are laid.
I sip, grateful for the cool shade.

His small son watches me,
Approaches, pertly smiles.
I know that thirty miles


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by William J. Lambert

I feel today in my Heart --
Even the smallest seed, needs a start.

Kindness and a gentle smile --
Can win the love, of most any child.

Happiness! can be found in most everything -
All kinds of Nature, has a Song to Sing.

Honesty and Trust, not Deceit --


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Recent Honesty Poems
A Stroke of Hypocrisy
by Kimani Hare

Destruction in the name of the Arts,

Hypocrisy eclipses the creators, for their tools burn home.

Fossil fuels for abstracts and Deforestation for novels

Sisyphus laughs at their sophomoric efforts,

For humanity blinds us under the guise of protection.

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47. Levity
by Kea Campbell

I tell jokes, but I tell them slant.
Laughter sheds light on the darkness of my candor.
Amusement frees the weight off of my afflictions.
Smiles accompany the loneliness of my sincerity.
I tell the truth, but I tell it slant.

Friday 5 July 2024

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hard to be true
by Mishka M

i’ve been quiet, i’ve been keeping
all these thoughts i can’t explain
there’s a part of me i’m losing
and i know it’s not your blame
but i wake up in the morning
with a weight that’s all my own
guess i’m good at making messes
and pretending i’m alone

it’s the way you say my name like it’s the only one you know


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I got to be honest to my Father
by Aldo Kraas

I got to be honest to my Father
And when I pray to my father
I have to ask my father
To give me health and peace
Because I have poor health
And also I am not looking after my health
I am letting my health going down hill
I Know I am not allowed to have sugar in my diet
Put I have constant craving for sugar
It is hard for me to live without sugar


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Beyond Words
by Aloo Denish Obiero

The language of love requires no translation,
The language of trust needs no explanation,
The language of honesty needs no interpretation,
The language of wisdom requires no noise,
The language of kindness requires no words.

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