Correina MacRae

Hold On!

You hear the thunder
You see the light
140, stormy night
The reason that your hurting
Is because we got in a fight

I told you to stop drinking
You said “But it’s cool! ”
I told you if you didn’t
It would be over for me and you

You tell me that you love me
I yelled I didn’t care
You turned around tears in your eyes
And then ran down the stairs

I then heard the screen door slam
And the roaring of your truck
I went chasing after you but could
Barely see because of all the fog.

I heard a loud crash up ahead
Praying its not you
I turned my high beams on again
And said “Oh my God it can’t be true! ”

10 Ft from your beat up truck
I found you almost dead
I tell you that “ I love you”
Blood is running from your head

I ran to my car and called for help
Then ran back to hold you in my arms
I tell you that you’ll be okay
And think “this is all my fault”

The flashing lights of hope arrive
I follow in my car and
On the way to the hospital
I begin to pray to God

When I arrived at the hospital
They told me that your were already gone
But they told me that you said “ I love her,
Tell it was not her fault”.
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