Clara Gange

Bremerton, Washington

Hi Dad

As Memorial Day approaches, made a visit to Ivy Green Cemetery
and guess what Dad? Saw some of my former Marine buddies and
Veterans from all wars, you would have liked them Dad!
They came by the numbers from far and wide, they wanted you and
the others, rest easy, that neglect will be no more.
I miss you Dad and the good times we had and I thank you, Dad
for teaching me high standards about life, which I can honestly
say made me a better American. I'm sure you'd be proud!
But I'm sorry Dad, I don't have good news to talk about the Nation
and its people you loved so much, Oh Dad I am so worried!
People have lost their way and we have lost respect.
Oh yes, Dad Drugs and Crime have filled all people with fear
and we should be working together to overcome and look towards
a better future.
I Love you, Dad you made me proud, we'll talk again on Flag Day
I know you'll be there and hope and pray the rest will come also
with Old Glory flying high in Honor of all.
Thanks Dad.
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