Christen Kuikoua

March 01, 2007 - Yaounde
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Affect Of Breakup In Relations & Children's Lifes

In life Relationship,
Useless Battle Between Couples
Must be avoided
Because there is no need for negative energy
In the midst of Love
My Bible say love cares
Love protects, Love put a smile on faces
Love forgives & Finally Love don't hate
I am no expert in love
because I myself always learn from it
but one thing I saw my parents always do
Is whenever anger tries to explode
Their love heal it away
Their love thought them to tolerate
That no one is perfect Except God
They Learn that Conflict Would not solve
Instead it will activate more hatred

Dear Friends, Dear Fathers, Dear Mothers
It sad when a kid live with parents that fight everyday,
Arguing Infront of them, Cursing, Beating, Insulting
What Kind of Education Do you expect them to learn
How to scream or back like dogs
We are humans not animals
But when you treat yourself like an animal
Infront of your child they turn in to one too
You guys must learn that the child need love,
From both parents,
Because Since Am alive,
I have never saw Divorce Healing A Child
But instead it Destroy Your child's Destiny
Making him a predator to it prey
In other words, it corrupts him and teach him violence
Teaching Him that he or she Must not respect
it takes away values And Replace it with Rudeness
It takes away what makes the difference
Between a man and an animal
And believe me, this is what leads to depression
And sometimes Death
and Later in the Future That Child Kills,
Becomes a Terrorist in the society
Because he his trying to take away
The voice in his head
That told him, That fighting,
drinking and abusing is all alright
Then later finds himself in jail,
For mistake committed by two relationships

Don't You guys listen
How Many Marriages Are broken Up over Meaningless
Unimportant And Petty Matters
How many Divorces Happen Everyday Around The World
How many Kid in this World will have to go through Depression because of Marriage,
Don't You See, Friends, Family, Community
I cry because
marriage is suppose to be a blessing not a curse
it suppose to strengthen relationships not divide
But today In our world,
We have embrace divorce like a lifestyle
I feel like Every couple should hear this message
because it shows that marriage is much more important
Than who is right about Petty Matters
For it Not about who is right in the relationship
But it about what's right
and I believe That What is Right
Is to always Choose Love & Tolerance With Kindness Over Correctness

And Let be honest About it
How many times in our Lives Have We been
Absolutely, positively certain about something
only to find out later that we where totally wrong
So see it never about who the heck is right
because Who cares if you are wrong or right'
If your argument is going to destroy
Love, peace and harmony in your family
Remember is never about who is right
But Always About What is Right
So my Dear Couples
Don't break Your Relationship In the Name Of I was right you were wrong, Causing havoc and Destroying you Child's Destiny through breakup or divorce
Don't steal your child happiness because of the Word ' I '
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