Bobby Marbles Mobley

Infinite Rules

I did not understand the fine rules of life
As an orphan child they were not granted to me
I had to experience turmoil, care and strife
And decades of heart piercing agony

The abtruse rules of life the joys of life
Where can they lurking hidden be
Through seductive temptation trial and error
They were so painfully unveiled to me

Must I stumble in the vast dark shadows of sin
To discover at length where my destiny has been
Am I to bear the burden alone vivid with pain
Mist the terror gloom and anguish of the strain

Why do all my friends fail and desert me
And wrench my crushed heart with distress
When the battle is the most ferocious and raging
Amid the tempest the fire and the test

Will my soul languish alone in perdition
And my prayers be fleeting in vain
Or eternity refine my ultimate lesson
And God's infinite love in my heart shall reign
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